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1. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 11 > Issue: 21
Adelino Braz Nietzsche et Pessoa: La Métaphore du Semblant
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O pensamento do poeta português cruza-se com o filósofo alemão sobre o tema da busca da verdade. Criticando o dualismo metafísico e a posição de uma verdade absoluta, Pessoa retoma a transmutação dos valores par a concluir uma verdade múltipla e relativa, ou seja a linguagem do mundo como metáfora. No entanto, ao contrario de Nieztsche que admite a morte de Deus par a poder reconsiderar completamente o conhecimento e o sentido da tragédia, Pessoa limita-se a reconhecer unicamente a sua ausência. A partir dessa divergência, a metáfora apresenta-se na reflexão do poeta como um fingimen to contemplativo, abdicando assim do projecto nieztscheano de instituir a metáfora como acção criativa.
2. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 12 > Issue: 24
Adelino Braz Kant et la Communauté: Une Philosophie aux Antipodes du Monologisme
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Contra uma interpretação que reduz a filosofia normativa de Kant a um simples monologismo, a nossa leitura pretende mostrar que o projeto de Kant tem por finalidade a instituição de uma comunidade, ou seja de uma coexistência de liberdades interiores. De facto, desde a obra de 1781, as determinações dos fenómenos são unicamente possíveis através do conceito de acção recíproca. A partir deste ponto, Kant retoma o conceito de comunidade (Gemeinschaft) para constituir um mundo moral, ou seja uma interpersonalidade tanto no âmbito estético, através da comunicabilidade dos sentimentos, de um sentido comum (Gemeinsinn), como no âmbito da ética, onde cada ser é ao mesmo tempo membro e legisador dessa comunidade (gemeines Wesen).
3. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 15 > Issue: 30
Gilbert Larochelle Rhétorique et Transcendance de la Parole Publique: L’Actualité du De Oratore
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Pourquoi revenir à Cicéron encore une fois? Peut-êt re, à la vérité, pour comprendre, à travers lui, ce qui manque à notre temps pour qu’une grande rhétorique montre la voie comme chez les Anciens et pour tirer de ce rapprochement un moment d’interpellation. De nos jours, c’est le déclin de l’idée d’excellence dans l’espace public, de responsabilité dans l’exercice de la liberté et d’une universalité dans la parole publique qui rend le retour à Cicéron utile, sinon nécessaire. Une relecture des oratorii libri permet de faire surgir un tableau contrasté dans lequel apparaissent les enjeux de la grande sophistique de l’heure. Invasion des signes et rétrécissement du sens, prolifération de l’éthique et eclipse de la morale, bref la rhétorique, pourtant omniprésente (cf. la publicité), ne transporte plus rien au-delà d’elle-même. Le présent essai montre que, de cette impasse, Cicéron en fut conscient: la forme même des dialogues du De oratore en porte le témoignage en révélant la rhétorique comme l’antinomie du bavardage, dans la mesure où la véritable éloquence porte toujours, en dernière analyse, sur une recherche du consensus universorum.
4. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 19 > Issue: 37
Paulo Jesus Moi et Temps Chez Leibniz: Ou l’Unité de la Notio Completa et de la Vis Primitiva
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La fusion entre la logique et la dynamique déclenche chez G. W. Leibniz une réforme de la notion de substance qui altère profondément le rapport entre le Je et le temps. Prototype de la substantialité, miroir de Dieu et expression du Tout créé, le Je dirait beaucoup, notamment Être, Un, Même: la persistance d’un « sujet » logique, d’un « je ne sais quoi » de métaphysique et d’un « personnage » moral. Sous l’angle de la temporalité, le Je véhicule tous les temps possibles et réels, passés et futurs. Il est question donc d’une communauté poly- et pan-chronique qui propose une sorte de synchronie de la diversité temporelle dans la notion complète et dans la force primitive qui semblent ainsi s’incliner vers ou se déplier de l’Eternel.
5. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 22 > Issue: 43
Gérard Bensussan La Dé-Séparation Comme Autoproduction du Sens: Une Lecture de la Préface de la Phénoménologie de L'Esprit
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The “speculative” in Hegel can be defined as a dynamic of deseparation towards an identification of the end and the beginning. Hegelian dialectics is a speculative dialectics of contradiction, but even more so a dialectics of identity that has become - originating in a deseparating and reconciliating circle of difference and identity, end and beginning, subject and substance. Therefore, the objections put forward by Schelling (“being” before “thinking”) and the young Marx (“world” before “spirit”) have to be interpreted, from a Hegelian point of view, as the prolongation of a separation, of a reflexive dispositif which would endanger absolute knowledge of the absolute, that is, would be a fall-back on Kant.
6. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 23 > Issue: 45
Fabio Samuel Esquenazi Le Refus Lévinassien de la Mystique: Raisons et Observations
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Despite recognizing the Other, particularly the needy person, as a prime location for a meaningful experience of God and the metaphysical nature of his interpretation of the fundamental ethical experience, a careful reading of Levinas’ corpus reveals the modulations of his rejection of the mystical phenomenon. This paper analyzes the main arguments that justify his « Lithuanian » distrust of mysticism and the consequent reduction of religion as ethics in his thought, as a result of forgetting that the perception of and adherence to the same transcendent principle present in the deep consciousness –conversio cordis – that directs one’s gaze towards the need and suffering of others –conversio morum – is common to the mystical experience, faith – as core of religious experience to Jewish-Christian tradition –, and ethical commitment.
7. Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy: Volume > 24 > Issue: 47
Clément Morier, Bruno Pinchard René Thom et la Réhabilitation des Formes Substantielles
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To the issue whether the contemporary formalism could sufficiently provide a dynamical view of natural laws, we propose another way to understand the organizational mechanisms of natural and semiotic phenomena. The breakthrough of René Thom’s topological discoveries allows the renewal of a philosophical path, which examines the benefits of a qualitative knowledge on forms through their deployment. Our study would like to raise the issue of the following questions: in the aftermath of Leibniz’s work, which lessons can we expect to draw from a neo-Aristotelian position in order to objectively analyze the morphological organization of natural phenomena? How to consider dynamical plasticity from metamorphosis episodes, if we only take into account the contemporary development of the Cartesian mechanism? What rehabilitation of substantial forms might help to think about nature today?