Displaying: 41-60 of 241 documents

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41. Chiasmi International: Volume > 4
Valentina Flak “Dal Modello all’Archetipo!”: Natura e morfologia fra Klee e Merleau-Ponty
42. Chiasmi International: Volume > 4
Alessia Mascellani Viaggio con Merleau-Ponty alle Radici dell’Essere: Alla Scoperta di un Logos di Linee, Luci e Colori
43. Chiasmi International: Volume > 4
Justin Tauber “La filosofia politica di Merleau-Ponty”: Ventiseiesimo convegno del Merleau-Ponty Circle USA all’UNCA (Asheville, North Carolina), dal 19 al 22 settembre 2001
44. Chiasmi International: Volume > 4
Antonio Martone Camus e Merleau-Ponty: Dalla critica dello storicismo marxista all’esistenza democratica
45. Chiasmi International: Volume > 4
Luigi Tarantino Per una Storia dell’Esperienza: Archeologia e fenomenologia: fra lo storico e I’originario
46. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Renaud Barbaras Presentazione
47. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Simona Pierri “Corpi Stranieri”: Reversibilità sempre imminente e mai realizzata di fatto
48. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Koji Hirose Merleau-Ponty e la teoria dell’autopoiesi. Il decimo congresso del Circolo merleau-pontyano del Giappone
49. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Davide Scarso Vita. Il convegno del 2003 dell’ “International Merleau-Ponty Circle” all’UWO di London (Ontario, Canada), dal 18 al 20 settembre 2003
50. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Sara Guindani Le Voyant et l’Avedgle: Pittura e letteratura come direttrici per una nuova ontologia negli ultimi scritti di Maurice Merleau-Ponty
51. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Federico Leoni Carne come Ritmo: Teologia e fenomenologia della carne
52. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Elena Ronconi Sulla Filosofia come Ontologia Interrogativa: L’ultimo Merleau-Ponty a partire da Blanchot
53. Chiasmi International: Volume > 7
Mauro Carbone, Helen A. Fielding Presentazione
54. Chiasmi International: Volume > 7
Giuliano Antonello L’Aver-Luogo dell’Individuo
55. Chiasmi International: Volume > 7
Veniero Venier Archeologia Della Coscienza: Note in margine alla fenomenologia di Merleau-Ponty
56. Chiasmi International: Volume > 7
Davide Scarso Merleau-Ponty, Lévi-Strauss e la Percezione Sociale
57. Chiasmi International: Volume > 7
Paolo Gambazzi La Forma come Sintomo e Videa come Costellazione Problematica: Sul preindividuale e il trascendentale nella critica dell’ilemorfismo: Merleau-Ponty, Simondon, Deleuze (ma anche Plotino, Bruno e Ruyer)
58. Chiasmi International: Volume > 7
Mario Neve “Milieu”, Luogo e Spazio: L’eredità geoestetica di Simondon e Merleau-Ponty
59. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 2 > Issue: 2
Manuela Mihoci Esperienza religiosa e verita
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Being experienced (Erfahrung) means living. Around these two concepts: experience and living, I created this paper, as an approach to a pretty sensitive field of study, the religious one.The place of truth here can be read between the lines, but this issue stays open and needs more profound study. There is still a question: what is thepriority in studying religious experience: living as an inner and outer manifestation of a person, the analysis of a psychological report between the human being and the divine, the sacred, a research of a belief's truth or all these taken together.It is obvious that Truth stays in itself and its basis is in itself, and the report with the human is found through the act of living.
60. Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology: Volume > 4 > Issue: 2
Fernando Cipriani Un Dibattito Socioantropoplogico nel Settecento. Il Mito del Buon Selvaggio
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A socioanthropological debate in the 17th Century. The Myth of the Good Savage. The myth of the Good Savage was born and developed especially in the17th century, but it already had its ethnological bases in the geographical discoveries of the 15th century and in the colonial conquests. The French Enlightenment questions about the Occidental civilization and the moral principles that were the bases of the colonial expansions of the European powers. The cultural debate, extended by the anthropological science, was directed to the attempt to knowledge the submissive populations who became the colonial populations. Any kind of reduction of the social debate to the superiority of the Occidental human being is progressively surpassed by the comparison of two worlds, initially opposed and than more and more close to one another: the civilization world and the primitive one. In Voltaire’s stories the moment of the overtaking of the natural state, specific to the savage, is more important, through one necessary acculturation, while in the autobiographic and traveling stories, under the impulse of the ethnical similarities reminded by Rousseau and by the anthropological philosophers, is asserted the equality of people’s rights. In this way the natural condition is „sweetened” by the knowledge of the nature and of its laws, which is inspired from the recognition of the equality between social condition and birth. To fallow the laws of nature means to surpass the social conventions and to give back to the civilized man the naturalness of his own feelings, the innocence and the purity of his customs. In the rational way, to fallow the laws of the nature means the reconciliation between Rousseau’s principles and Voltaire’s ones. In this way the paradoxes of the civilized world and the ones of the primitive world are eliminated through the integration of the two in one united concept.