Displaying: 161-180 of 208 documents

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161. Levinas Studies: Volume > 7
Kris Sealey Levinas, Sartre, and the Question of Solidarity
162. Levinas Studies: Volume > 7
Lisa Guenther Fecundity and Natal Alienation: Rethinking Kinship with Levinas and Orlando Patterson
163. Levinas Studies: Volume > 7
164. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
165. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
166. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
Richard I. Sugarman Through the Lens of Levinas: Preliminary Reflections on Holiness (Leviticus 19)
167. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
About the Contributors
168. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
169. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
Abi Doukhan Beyond Haverut: Toward an Interfaith Hermeneutics
170. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
Steven Shankman From Solitude to Maternity: Levinas and Shakespeare
171. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
Seán Hand Salvation through Literature: Levinas’s Carnets de captivité
172. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
Guy-Félix Duportail, Sharon Lynn Joyce Levinas and Lacan: Faced with the Eclipse of Christianity
173. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
Olga Kuminova “Oral Discourse Is the Plenitude of Discourse”: Emmanuel Levinas’s Philosophy of Language Applied to Reading
174. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
Alan Udoff Levinas and the Question of Cardiology
175. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
Jeffrey Bloechl Introduction
176. Levinas Studies: Volume > 8
Andrew Kelley Jankélévitch and Levinas on the “Wholly Other”
177. Levinas Studies: Volume > 9
Martin Gak Heidegger’s Ethics and Levinas’s Ontology: Phenomenology of Prereflective Normativity
178. Levinas Studies: Volume > 9
Drew M. Dalton Phenomenology and the Infinite: Levinas, Husserl, and the Fragility of the Finite
179. Levinas Studies: Volume > 9
Eric R. Severson The Missing Sequel: Levinas and Heidegger’s Unfinished Project
180. Levinas Studies: Volume > 9
Nicole Note The Self as Inseparable Separation: Deepening the Starting Position for Our Relation with the Environment