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61. Glimpse: Volume > 22 > Issue: 1
Ruba Mohd, Javier Serrano Puche Identifying News Consumption, News Avoidance Patterns, and Incidental News Exposure among Jordanians: A Qualitative Study
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In the world we live in, we encounter news everywhere. Authentic or not, fragmented or complete, audiences are being exposed to vast amounts of information, and it seems impossible to limit news intake, even when we want to. In a recent cross-country research based on data gathered from 35 countries (Toff, Kalogeropoulos et al. .2020), it was found that people avoid the news for factors varying between nations. This paper attempts to look into news consumption and avoidance patterns among Jordanians by posing several questions. Their entry points to news, preferred news mediums, the extent to which they are incidentally exposed to information, consciously or unconsciously, as well as if there were news avoidance patterns amongst them. These questions were explored through examination of a limited number of respondents from different generations, genders, and academic backgrounds and by deploying a Q methodology approach executed through card-sorting exercise with a think-aloud protocol and an in-depth one to one interview. The results indicated that Jordanians use multiple entry points to news, and the majority of them regard social media as a source of news. Neither gender, generation, nor the level of education seems to be a determining factor. The study revealed the existence of news avoidance trends. Education appeared to have no impact on the motives behind them.
62. Glimpse: Volume > 22 > Issue: 1
Tracy Powell “Do You Read Me?”: Miscommunication and Consent: Beyond Saying ‘no’
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Inaccurate interpretation of negotiated nonverbal communication during an intimate encounter has serious moral and legal repercussions. Reciprocity between bodies allows one to assess the intention of the other. However, when the intended message is miscommunicated through the sender’s embodied action or misperceived by the receiver, a sexual assault can ensue. Understanding, conveying, and responding to behavioral gestures indicative of agreement or refusal to consent, is an emotional quagmire that has received global attention through sociopolitical movements such as #MeToo. Despite the desired cogitation of a pre-reflexive intentioned message, reciprocal navigation of a shared intimate space shifts within the corporeal/intercorporeal relationship, such that a habituated behavioral response, autonomic bodily responding, and socialized dating norms all have the potential to sabotage the essence of the original message. Seeking legal retribution is compromised in its application of objectified parameters to an ambiguous, subjective human interaction. While programs promoting slogans such as “Just Say No” are well intentioned, the complexity of human behavior, unconscious processes, and subjective perception, all suggest that communicating a refusal to consent extends far beyond the verbal utterance of saying “No.”
63. Glimpse: Volume > 22 > Issue: 1
Dragan Prole Phenomenological Ethics of Contemporary Media Theories
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This article discusses fundamental contradictions regarding the social role of the new media. Avantgarde identifies the emergence of the new media with the possibilities of liberating the man and achieving true individuality, while dystopia qualifies it as the suffocation of individuality, as ballast that levels out and averages a man, as a threat to human freedom. The media technology is for the avant-garde the embodiment of the enriched self and expanded capacities of selfhood, while for dystopia, the media technology is directed against selfhood, since its effects start and end with the creation of alienation, with the distortion of selfhood directed against the fundamental attributes of humanity. On the contrary, for the avant-garde, the breach of media background awareness of the artistic expression has marked the definite parting with the age of alienated artistic practice. According to their most profound beliefs, staggering in the chains of figurative and narrative expressions, art has always served a different purpose, religion, pedagogy, politics, and ideology. Hence, the turn towards the demands and logic of the self-serving media marked the rise from the state of alienation to the state of true achievement, to the emancipation of artists and the art.
64. Glimpse: Volume > 22 > Issue: 1
Juan Francisco Rodriguez Ayuso Processing of personal data relating to the health of the data subject in a pandemic situation
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This study offers a systematic, exhaustive and updated investigation of the declaration of the state of alarm and the processing of personal data relating to the health of citizens affected and/or potentially affected by the exceptional situation resulting from COVID-19. Specifically, it analyses the distinction between the state of alarm and the states of exception and siege and the possible effect on the fundamental right to the protection of personal data in exceptional health crisis situations and the effects that this declaration may have on the applicable regulations, issued, at a Community level. Next, and taking into consideration all the general and sectorial regulations applicable to data protection and health, we proceed to the analysis of the legitimate bases and the exceptions that, applicable to situations of health emergency such as the present one, enable the processing, taking into account the nature of the person who intervenes as the controller, making special emphasis on the public interest pursued by the Public Administrations and on the vital interest of the interested party.
65. Glimpse: Volume > 22 > Issue: 1
James Steinhoff The Horror of Kittler’s End of Media
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This paper examines Friedrich Kittler’s infamous assertion that “media determine our situation” in conjunction with his less-discussed proclamation that the “day is not far off when … the history of communications technologies will literally come to an end” with the advent of artificial intelligence. It explores what Kittler might have meant by suggesting that there could be a situation without media to determine it. First, I survey Kittler’s statements about the end of media. Second, I consider existing interpretations of the end of media and judge them to be inadequate. Finally, I present a reading of the end of media as a horrific event in which the technologically-mediated conditions for subjectivity collapse. This, I suggest, provides support for the notion, advanced by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, that Kittler came ultimately to find his media theory abhorrent and thus devoted his last years to studying ancient Greece rather than artificial intelligence.
66. Glimpse: Volume > 22 > Issue: 1
Jarmo Valkola The Audiovisual Design and Aesthetics of the Films of Theo Angelopoulos
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In the following article, the author examines the audiovisual design of Theo Angelopoulos’ filmmaking practice. The emphasis is on the close analysis of sequences and larger entities. The approach creates a heightened sensitivity to matters of analysis that cover similarities and differences, as well as causal and empirical reflections. The aim is to create a web of associations for these perspectives and perceive a wider approach for Angelopoulos’ films. The meaningful appropriation of various theoretical points of views requires sufficient correspondence and dialogical proneness to an understanding of the conceptual, formal and aesthetic legitimacy of his films. The approach consists of understanding Angelopoulos’ audiovisual design as a central force in the cinematic table of arrangements, and the aesthetics in the process of structuring expression.
67. Glimpse: Volume > 22 > Issue: 1
Lincoln J. (Nic) Theo The Perverse, Embodied Trickster in Eduard Vilde's Milkman of the Manor
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Although the writing of Estonian novelist Eduard Vilde has been described as feminist in asserting women’s right to individuality and equality, Mari, the protagonist in his 1916 novel Maekula Piimamees (Milkman of the Manor), does more than merely defend her standing alongside the male characters. An analysis based in Derridean differance reveals that she is instead a trickster character who delivers dramatic irony that subverts the norms of latefeudal Estonia, which would otherwise write her as dutiful wife and subservient maid. This becomes apparent through the novel’s ‘here-and-there’ narrative logic, which is apparent in a Bakhtinian threshold chronotope that underpins characterisations that reflect Merleau-Ponty’s constitutive liminality to form Mari as self-aware and self-confident in juxtaposition to the oblivious and anxious personalities of the male characters.
68. Glimpse: Volume > 22 > Issue: 1
Cynthia P. Villagomez-Oviedo Communication and Messages in Mexican Electronic Art
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Artists try to communicate precise ideas or concepts about certain social or political problems in order to change their context and surroundings. In this research the focus is on examples of Mexican Electronic artworks which specifically generate stages of communication. The methods applied to study these artifacts were observation, interview and analysis of certain art works and then selectively comparing different artists and their artistic works to understand, with the help of an adequate qualitative research approach, as to how the art communicated with human viewers. We concluded that communication of an abstract image could lead to different meanings. Interpretation depends on the cultural context of the viewer, age and nationality, among other important factors. Nonetheless all Mexican electronic artists studied in this research have a positive message for society, including justice and the preservation of environment and several related inspiring ideas.
69. Glimpse: Volume > 1 > Issue: 1
Chris Nagel Watching Television
70. Glimpse: Volume > 1 > Issue: 1
Sebastian Luft Husserl on the Artist and the Philosopher: Aesthetic and Phenomenological Attitude
71. Glimpse: Volume > 1 > Issue: 1
Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka Reality and Its Simile
72. Glimpse: Volume > 1 > Issue: 1
Kevin Fisher Dasein and the Existential Structure of Cinematic Spectatorship: A Heideggerian Analysis
73. Glimpse: Volume > 1 > Issue: 1
Alison Leigh Brown Dissembling Images: Electronic Media and Writing
74. Glimpse: Volume > 1 > Issue: 1
Lars Lundsten Watching The Simpsons with Husserl and Ingarden
75. Glimpse: Volume > 1 > Issue: 1
Paul Majkut Introduction
76. Glimpse: Volume > 1 > Issue: 1
Paul Majkut The Concept of the Dog Doesn't Bark: Notes on a Materialist Phenomenology and Film Noir
77. Glimpse: Volume > 1 > Issue: 1
Alberto Carillo Canán Image versus Sign: A Phenomenological Approach
78. Glimpse: Volume > 1 > Issue: 1
Miguel Jarquin Cara a Cara: Una fenomenología del encuentro
79. Glimpse: Volume > 11/12
Paul Majkut The Untext of the Printed Word: Being
80. Glimpse: Volume > 11/12
Kurt Cline Is Seeing Believiag?: Harry Houdini and the Role of Magic in the Development of Early Cinema