Displaying: 181-200 of 1621 documents

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181. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 3/4
Ewa Starzyńska-Kościuszko Bronisław Ferdynand Trentowski’s Universal and National Philosophy
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In the article I present the fundamentals (the conception, the structure and the method) of universal philosophy of Bronisław Ferdynand Trentowski, the eminent Polish philosopher of romanticism. I show the origin of the idea of universalism and the difference between Trentowski’s method of differentiating identity and Hegel’s dialectics. In the last part of the article, Trentowski is revealed as a philosopher who united universalism of his philosophy with its national character.
182. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 3/4
Robert Piotrowski Globalization and Universalist Ideologies
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Globalization is defined as reduction in world’s diversity due to cultural Gleichschaltung and compactification. A question is asked how the process is linkedwith the presence of universalist ideologies as great religions, utilitarianism, Socialism or ecologism. Some suggestions concerning further research are made.
183. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 3/4
Bogumiła Truchlińska Polish Universalism in the Interwar Period (1918–1939)
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The interwar decades in Poland (1918–1939) were characterized by plurality and diversity. The purpose of the paper Polish Universalism in the Interwar Period is to show the foundations of the socio-philosophical trend, which is universalism. In modern philosophy universalism was in permanent conflict with individualism, but in the interwar period the reality became more complicated. It was “collectivism”—the trend based on the cult of the State, nation, race, and class—that started to aspire to be called universalism. The author does not classify these trends as universalist, and universalism itself criticized them. Different varieties of universalism can be found in the interwar period. The author indicates the literary-philosophical universalism of J.N. Miller, and the socio-conservative universalism of W.L. Jaworski, but she focuses on J. Braun’s conception of the universal subject and the idea of absolute union, and on Christian universalism,showing the importance of the emerging Polish personalism for universalist philosophy. In these proposals the author sees the germs of the later (2nd half of the 20th c.) conception of ecumenism, dialogue, and the primacy of person over things.
184. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 5/6
Jan Ryszard Błachnio The Universalism Philosophy of Seweryn Smolikowski (1850–1920) and Early 21st-Century Universalism
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Generally speaking, philosophical reflection can assume two extreme forms: it can either be based on metaphysical reflection which gives it the traits of a universalistic philosophy, or empiricism, in which case it can be called philosophical minimalism. There are no others alternatives, and the above categories apply to all philosophical systems. Smolikowski’s philosophy is maximalistic and metaphysical, hence he was right to call the system universalism philosophy. As W. Tyburski writes, Smolikowski’s universalism philosophy has two main goals: to provide firmer ground for metaphysics and stand in opposition to both positivism and German pessimism philosophy.
185. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 5/6
Michał Masłowski, Klaudyna Hildebrandt Mickiewicz’s Models of Universality
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In the paper the model of universality revealed by Adam Mickiewicz is investigated. It is claimed that his model of universality, which plays in Polish culture a role of a cultural canon, is distinct from the Enlightenment view on universality.
186. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 5/6
Stanisław Mossakowski Polish Art—Between Universal and Native
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The paper presents Polish culture from the X century to the present time inspected from a special perspective, namely that determined by the opposition universal-native. It is shown that in Poland the native, at times slightly modest artistic styles and forms as well as the more cosmopolitan and universal European trends always served the best-possible expression of the essence of the Polish people and their national traditions, unbrokenly preserved over ages.
187. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 5/6
Janusz Dobieszewski Vladimir Soloviev’s Historiosophical Universalism
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The article outlines Vladimir Soloviev’s views at the time of his fascination by the theocracy, Christian policy and United Church concepts. His standpoint then was to place the “Godmanhood” idea underlying his philosophy in a realistic, historically and socially factual—hence universalistic—context. This led him to confer a special role in the historical process to the Christian church, which he saw as a dynamic institution adding energy to history. Soloviev considered this energy crucial in the rebirth of Christian unity around the Holy See and the fulfillment of the “social trinity” reflecting the structure of the Divine Absolute and harmoniously uniting three relatively independent seats of social power: clerical, state and prophetic. For Soloviev the fulfillment of this project consisted in a lasting alliance between the papacy and the Tsar’s court, a concept which sounds very eccentric today.
188. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 5/6
Andrzej Walicki Adam Mickiewicz’s Paris Lectures and the Russian Thinkers
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The paper analyzed opinions, provoked or initiated by Mickiewicz’s thoughts, claimed by Russian thinkers: Vladimir Soloviev, Vladimir Herzen and others. Thethoughts concern mainly Slavophile messianism.
189. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 5/6
Wacław Sadkowski LA SOCIÉTÉ EUROPÉENE DE CULTURE — Its Ideas, Goals and Activities
190. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 5/6
Józef Hen, Natalia Janota, Benjamin Borek The Royal Constitution
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Stanisław August Poniatowski (1732–1798) was the last king of Poland. He reigned from 1764 to 1795 and, during this time the first Polish constitution, the first in Europe, was established. These excerpts come from Hen’s book My Friend the King (Mój Przyjaciel Król). The book is narrated by the fictional Gaston Fabre, who is a close confidant of the King and is privy to all the turmoil and machinations at Court in months and years preceding the signing of the constitution.
191. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 5/6
Józef L. Krakowiak Instead of an Editorial: The European Spirit of Polish Culture and Universalism as a Metaphilosophy
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For my part I seek the metaphilosophical in universalism in the interdisciplinariness concept typical for ecology and system and information theory. I reject monologue as a form of hegemony and propose dialogue as an interpersonal path for seekers and cocreators of truth. I accept relational and reject substantialistic ontologies and all absolutism, including virtues, in an attempt to make room for the quest for common values attainable by those who identify with them on multiple levels (the universalism of Paul of Tarsis). Hence, basing on humanity’s cultural and civilizational multiplicity, I analyze the Europeanism idea through the prism of centripetal and centrifugal forces, locating “Polish” elements on this path. On one hand I approach Europeanism as the most immediate of the environments which reflect and make understandable the spiritual aspects of Polishness, on the other hand I suggest that many of its aspects should be avoided.Nonetheless I commend the disclosure and sustainance of the separateness of ethical norms developed by the ancient Greek from the legal norms instituted by Rome and the religious norms imposed on our western civilization by Christianity. This is something other civilizations lack and what bars them from more intensive participation in humanity’s advancement towards universal civilization—no longer seen as monopolistic, as in the ecological perspective this would only enhance mankind’s destruction. From the Polish perspective the most valuable Europeanism aspects are diversity, methodology in the quest for truth in philosophy, religion and science, openness to the objective products of the human spirit (which Islamic civilization opposed), and a strong accent on praxis.To close I will allow myself reference to Janusz Kuczyński’s Polishness Decalogue, an attempt to analyze the Polish “national spirit” and pinpoint those universal aspects of “Polishness” which—as clusters of empirical, social, theoretical and cultural facts—still fill Polish hearts with pride. Here, as we can see, the initially concretized universality criterion ultimately becomes an applied valuation category. Hence, universalism as a meta-philosophy appears to be a philosophy of essence, not fact, and therefore not subject to valuation.
192. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 5/6
Jørgen Knudsen My Essence Intensified—Georg Brandes’ Polish Impressions
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The Danish critic Georg Brandes (1842–1927) visited Warsaw in 1885 and 1886, with the pretext of lecturing—in French—on modern literature, making thereby the Polish cause for freedom his own. It was his endeavor not to take sides in the smoldering strife between radical and catholic circles, freedom from the brutal Russian regime being the chief common issue. During his second visit he lectured on Polish literature, though only knowing it through translations. This demonstration of solidarity was received with enthusiasm.In his book Impressions from Poland—Danish 1888, in English, German and Polish 1898—he gives a vivid description of the Polish passion for freedom, not hiding more negative sides of the national character as he found them, such as improvidence and bohemianism. The book was understood as an act of solidarity, and during a visit to Krakow in 1898 he was hailed as the spokesman of freedom and one of the few West-European supporters of the Polish cause.When, by November 1914, Brandes learned about Polish religious pogroms he did not hesitate to condemn them in two articles born by indignation. The articles, immediately published in many languages, aroused much attention worldwide, at the same time costing him most of his Polish popularity.
193. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 5/6
Kacper Sokołowski On Andrzej Trzebiński’s Literary Output
194. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 5/6
Olga Dmitrievna Bazhenova, Lena Sisking, Beata Elwich, Krystyna Gutowska The Reconstruction of the Corpus Christi Interior in Nieśwież as an Example of European Cultural Space Continuity
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The paper reports on the state of Polish and Belarusian scientists’ research on eighteenth century reconstruction and pictorial decorations of the Corpus Christ Church in Nieśwież. On the basis of the inquiry conducted based on Belarusian, Polish and American archives, the author forms a new hypothesis that the reconstruction and church decoration was done by a North Italian architect, Maurizio Pedetti. This hypothesis reveals the network of European artistic and ideological connections, part of which became Nieśwież through the artistic patronage of the Radziwiłł family.
195. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 5/6
Henri Bartoli La S.E.C. aujourd’hui et demain
196. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 7/8
Yu Xuanmeng An Ordinary Man with an Exceptional Ideal for Our Time: An Appreciation
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This essay was contributed to the celebration of Father Mclean’s 75th birth day in a volume To the Mountain—essay in honor of Professor George F. Mclean (Fu Jen Catholic University Press, Taiwan, 2004.) In this essay I recalled what I knew of him by personal contact. As I wrote this essay, I was moved myself by his personality. Just as it says on the preface of the volume, “Over the past 40 years, George Mclean has helped to establish contacts and build relations with philosophers in most of the countries of the world, and hundreds—indeed, thousands—of scholars are in his debt”, I am one of those hundreds, or thousands scholars in his debt. I am sure people may tell their own story about Professor George Mclean as they know themselves.
197. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 7/8
Tadeusz Tołłoczko “HOMO HOMINI RES SACRA”
198. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 7/8
Marek Nowak Poznanian School of Dialogue
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Theological Faculty of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań organized a series of sessions devoted to problems of dialogue. Professor Baniak, the main organizer of those meetings, invited philosophers, theologians, pedagogues, psychologists and other intellectuals/scientists, whose area of interest was dialogue. The first conference took place in June 2001, the last in June 2007, and organizers have a hope that the endeavor would be continued. Lectures given at conferences were devoted to many subjects—classical philosophy of dialogue, dialogue in theological thought, interreligious dialogue etc.
199. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 7/8
Wacław Hryniewicz “BUT THE PROBLEM REMAINS”. John Paul II and the universalism of the hope for salvation
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This article shows that Christianity in its perception of eschatological events has early on given up the concept of therapeutic and corrective punishment, turning to the idea of vindictive and retributive punishment. Similarly to other Churches, the Roman Catholic Church in its teachings does not officially support the hope for universal salvation. Pope John Paul II developed his eschatological thinking in a careful way; he did not close the way to further search. The Pope reminded that former councils discarded the theory of apokatastasis (teaching that all creature would be saved), but admitted that “the problem remains”. He attempted at retaining the tension existing between the New Testament statement on the general intention of God to save all humankind and Christ’s words on the “eternal punishment” awaiting people lost through their own egoism and insensitivity to others. In the Pope’s teachings, traditional concepts are interwoven with new accents which correct the false idea of God as the cause of damnation and the creator of eternal hell. Hell is not a punishment imposed by God, but a state of final self-exclusion from communion with God. According to Pope, hell is above all a moral postulate, a requirement of justice in view of terrible human crimes which must not go unpunished. A final punishment is to serve the retention of moral balance in the history of humanity.The author of this article argues that all those in favor of the hope for universal salvation do not, by any means, preach impunity or mandatory amnesty. One has to bear the consequence of one’s evil actions. Moral consciousness is saved. Salvation is not a necessity or a compulsion but a God’s gift that has to be accepted freely. God does not remain entirely helpless in view of human freedom. He can attract it to Himself, purify it and transform it through His patient and boundless love. This can happen only through unimaginable suffering and terrible torment which, in human terms, can be even called eternal, taking whole centuries due to their quality and intensity, as suggested by the very Greek term aiōnios. It is a torment directed at correction and healing, which is prompted by the Greek term kólasis in Christ’s parable on the final judgment. The position of John Paul II betrays his internal split between the hope for universal salvation and the reality of eternal damnation. The studies instigated by the Church’s great minds caused also his anxiety, but as a pope and a teacher he wanted to keep faith with the teachings of councils and the traditional interpretation of biblical texts. The author of the article is convinced that the Christianity of the future will at some pointachieve greater courage in its attitude to eschatological issues. The pedagogics of hope and mercy might then take the place of pedagogics of fear of God and eternal hell.
200. Dialogue and Universalism: Volume > 17 > Issue: 7/8
Hu Yeping George Francis McLean: A Philosopher in the Service of Humanity
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The paper presents George McLean’s life and his extraneously rich activities in various fields, but first and foremost his endeavors to create conditions for dialogue, communication, and cooperation in philosophy and in all social life.