Displaying: 1-20 of 22 documents

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1. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 1
Dan Drăghia Ralph Darlington: Syndicalism and the Transition to Communism. An International Comparative Analysis
2. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 1
Ștefan Bosomitu Simon Sebag Montefiore, Le jeune Staline
3. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 1
Cristina Roman Vlad Georgescu: Politics and History. The Case of Romanian Communists (1944–1977)
4. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 1
Andrei Muraru Maria Bucur, Heroes and Victims: Remembering War in Twentieth-Century Romania
5. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 2
Dumitru Lăcătuşu Mircea Stănescu, Reeducarea în România comunistă (1948-1955). Târgșor și Gherla
6. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 2
Florea Ionicioaia Grégoire Gafenco/ Grigore Gafencu, Préliminaires de la guerre a l’est, De l’accord de Moscou (21 aout 1939) aux hostilités en Russie (22 juin 1941)/ Preliminariile războiului din răsărit, De la Acordul de la Moscova (23 august 1939) până la ostilităţile din Rusia (22 iunie 1941)
7. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 2
Corina Doboș Vladimir Tismăneanu (ed.), Promises of 1968. Crisis, Illusion, and Utopia
8. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 2
Andrei Muraru Charles King, Odessa: Genius and Death in the City of Dreams
9. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 3
Marius Stan Eric Voegelin, Religiile politice (The Political Religions)
10. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 4
Andrei Galiță Coleen Murphy, A Moral Theory of Political Reconciliation
11. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 4
Gabriel Zamfir Gabriel Andreescu, Cărturari, opozanţi şi documente. Manipularea Arhivei Securităţii [Scholars, Opponents and Documents. Handling Securitate’s Archives]
12. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 4
Ciprian Nițu Emanuel Copilaş, Geneza leninismului romantic. O perspectivă teoretică asupra orientării internaționale a comunismului românesc, 1948-1989 [Genesis of Romantic Leninism. A Theoretical Perspective on the International Orientation of Romanian Communism, 1948-1989]
13. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 4
Teo Enache David Brandenberger, Propaganda State in Crisis: Soviet Ideology, Indoctrination, and Terror under Stalin, 1927-1941
14. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 4
Georgiana Leșu Igal Halfin, Red Autobiographies. Initiating the Bolshevik Self
15. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 5
Bruno Kamiński Marcin Zaremba, Wielka Trwoga. Polska 1944-1947. Ludowa reakcja na kryzys, [The Great Fear. A Popular Reaction to Crisis]
16. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 6
Ștefan Bosomitu Zorii comunismului în România. Ştefan Foriş, un destin neterminat [The Dawns of Communism in Romania. Ştefan Foriş, an Unaccomplished Destiny]
17. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 7
Báthory Ludovic Catolicism şi comunism în România. 1946-1955. O perspectivă diplomatică franceză
18. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 8
Ana Teodorescu Theatre, Globalization and the Cold War
19. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 9
Ana Teodorescu Miruna Runcanu, Teatru în diorame. Discursul criticii teatrale în comunism. Fluctuantul dezgheț 1956-1964
20. History of Communism in Europe: Volume > 10
Iuliana Cindrea-Nagy Mark Harrison, One Day We Will Live Without Fear: Everyday Lives Under the Soviet Police State