Displaying: 421-440 of 514 documents

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421. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 1
Lauren Frances Guerra Justo L. González, The Mestizo Augustine: A Theologian Between Two Cultures
422. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 1
Daniel Nodes Brian P. Dunkle, S.J., Enchantment and Creed in the Hymns of Ambrose of Milan
423. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 1
Andrew C. Chronister Laurence Dalmon, Un dossier de l’Épistolaire augustinien: la correspondance entre l’Afrique et Rome à propos de l’affaire pélagienne (416–418): traduction, commentaire et annotations
424. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 1
Adam Ployd Stephen R. Holmes, The Quest for the Trinity: The Doctrine of God in Scripture, History, and Modernity
425. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 1
Alice Christ Lee M. Jefferson and Robin M. Jensen, eds., The Art of Empire: Christian Art in its Imperial Context
426. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 1
Julie B. Miller Bo Karen Lee, Sacrifice and Delight in the Mystical Theologies of Anna Maria van Schurman and Madame Jeanne Guyon
427. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 1
Bogdan G. Bucur Aristotle Papanikolaou, The Mystical as Political: Democracy and Non-Radical Orthodoxy
428. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 1
Joshua R. McManaway Matthew Levering, The Theology of Augustine: An Introductory Guide to His Most Important Works
429. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 1
Ty Monroe David Vincent Meconi, S.J., ed., Sacred Scripture and Secular Struggles
430. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 1
Erik Kenyon Joseph Pucci, Augustine’s Virgilian Retreat: Reading the Auctores at Cassiciacum
431. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 1
Thomas McNulty Calvin L. Troup, ed., Augustine for the Philosophers: The Rhetor of Hippo, the Confessions, and the Continentals
432. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 1
Ian Clausen Richard Sorabji, Moral Conscience through the Ages: Fifth Century BCE to the Present
433. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 2
Chase Padusniak Todd Breyfogle, On Creativity, Liberty, Love, and the Beauty of the Law
434. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 2
Lee C. Barrett Robin Lane Fox, Augustine: Conversions and Confessions
435. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 2
Frederick Van Fleteren Norbert Fischer and Jakub Sirovátka, eds., Vernunftreligion und Offenbarungsglaube. Zur Eröterung einer seit Kant verscharften Problematik
436. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 2
Sean Hannan Nonna Verna Harrison and David G. Hunter, Suffering and Evil in Early Christian Thought
437. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 2
Jesse Couenhoven William E. Mann, God, Belief, and Perplexity
438. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 2
Thomas Clemmons Giosuè Ghisalberti, Augustine’s Passions: His Transformation from a Roman Citizen to a Catholic Bishop, 354–401
439. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 2
Joel C. Elowsky Thomas C. Oden, The Rebirth of African Orthodoxy: Return to Foundations
440. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 49 > Issue: 2
Adam Ployd Richard Miles, ed., The Donatist Schism: Controversy and Contexts