Displaying: 1-20 of 6225 documents

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1. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
John O’Meara Studies Preparatory to an Understanding of the Mysticism of St. Augustine and His Doctrine on the Trinity
2. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
John J. O’Meara Research Techniques in Augustinian Studies
3. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
Caroline E. Schuetzinger Franz Koerner’s Existential Interpretation of the Young Augustine
4. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
Gerald Bonner Rufinus of Syria and Afriacan Pelagianism
5. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
Robert J. O’Connell De Libero Arbitrio I: Stoicism Revisited
6. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
John A. Mourant The Emergence of a Christian Philosophy in the Dialogues of Augustine
7. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
Robert E. Buckenmeyer The Meaning of Judicium and Its Relation to Illumination in the Dialogues of Augustine
8. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
Vernon J. Bourke Voluntarism in Augustine’s Ethico-Legal Thought
9. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
Ernest L. Fortin The Political Implications of St. Augustine’s Theory of Conscience
10. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
Eugene Kevane Paideia and Anti-Paideia: The Prooemium of Saint Augustine’s De Doctrina Christiana
11. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
Theodore Kondoleon Divine Exemplarism in Augustine
12. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
Mary T. Clark The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy
13. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
V. D. Connerty Augustine and the Latin Classics
14. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 1
Rudolph Arbesman The Question of the Regula Sancti Augustini
15. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 10
William S. Babcock Augustine’s Interpretation of Romans: (A.D. 394—396)
16. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 10
James J. O’Donnell The Inspiration for Augustine’s De Civitate Dei
17. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 10
James Dougherty The Sacred City and the City of God
18. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 10
John P. Maher Saint Augustine and Manichean Cosmogony
19. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 10
Thomas Renna The Idea of Peace in the Augustinian Tradition 400–1200
20. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 10
Joanne McWilliam Dewart The Influence of Theodore of Mopsuestia on Augustine’s Letter 187