Displaying: 221-240 of 940 documents

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221. Augustinianum: Volume > 38 > Issue: 1
Nello Cipriani Lo schema dei Tria Vitia (voluptas, superbia, curiositas) nel De vera religione: Antropologia soggiacente e fonti
222. Augustinianum: Volume > 38 > Issue: 1
Alberto Camplani, Emanuela Prinzivalli Sul significato dei nuovi frammenti siriaci dei Capitula adversus Caium attribuiti a Ippolito
223. Augustinianum: Volume > 38 > Issue: 1
Vittorino Grossi Correptio - correctio - emendatio in Agostino d’Ippona: Terminologia penitenziale e monastica
224. Augustinianum: Volume > 38 > Issue: 1
Riccardo Ferri Mens, ratio e intellectus nei primi Dialoghi di Agostino
225. Augustinianum: Volume > 38 > Issue: 1
Manlio Simonetti Dal nicenismo al neonicenismo: Rassegna di alcune pubblicazioni recenti
226. Augustinianum: Volume > 38 > Issue: 1
Basil Studer Una valutazione critica del neonicenismo
227. Augustinianum: Volume > 38 > Issue: 2
Ivan Bodrožić Ancora sulla data del Libellus di Leporio
228. Augustinianum: Volume > 38 > Issue: 2
Nello Cipriani Agostino lettore dei commentari paolini di Mario Vittorino
229. Augustinianum: Volume > 38 > Issue: 2
Francesco Corsaro L’innografia ambrosiana dalla polemica teologica alla liturgia
230. Augustinianum: Volume > 38 > Issue: 2
Franco Gori La tradizione manoscritta delle Enarrationes in Psalmos 141-150 di Agostino: Studio preliminare per l’edizione critica
231. Augustinianum: Volume > 39 > Issue: 1
A. M. Orselli Modelli di santità e modelli agiografici nell’occidente latino
232. Augustinianum: Volume > 39 > Issue: 1
Alberto Camplani La prima lettera festale di Cirillo di Alessandria e la testimonianza di P. Vindob. K 10157
233. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Emmanuel Albano Rivelare e Tacere: Note per una riflessione su Scrittura e Tradizione nel pensiero di Clemente di Alessandria: II. Le mediazioni della rivelazione
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This article intends to highlight the idea of revelation that Clement expresses throughout his work. Drawing both from Greek philosophical culture and biblical thought, Clement shows how supernatural revelation, on the level of both faith and gnosis, corresponds to select ‘places’ of Scripture and the Church’s Tradition, culminating in the embodiment of gnosis by men who have reached the highest degree of knowledge and holiness of life. A comparison with the theme of revelation in Gnostic texts sheds more light on the peculiarities of Clementine thought.
234. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Diego Cruciat Tertulliano e la filosofia: Una proposta metafilosofica
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Tertullian is an important participant in the early dialogue between Christian faith and Latin culture. The aim of this article is to provide some elements useful in reconstructing the idea of philosophia in the writings of this apologist, following a metaphilosophical approach. After briefly presenting the occurrences of philosophical terms (listed in the Appendix), the Author proposes that Tertullian conceives of philosophia as an erroneous form of knowledge, which is not capable of adequately dealing with reality. Considering Tertullian’s thought from a metaphilosophical perspective could therefore be conducive to better understanding and explaining his negative view of philosophy.
235. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Diego Elias Arfuch Una nota sulle donne “diacono” nell’agiografia cipriota dal secolo V al VII
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Cypriot hagiography attests the presence of women deacons during the 5th and 7th centuries. This paper presents the ordination (ceirotoniva) of these women, and tries to clarify the role of ministry played out in different places on the island (Tamassos, Salamis-Constantia, Soloi), according to three hagiographic testimonies: Acts of Heraclides, Vita Epiphanii, Vita Auxibii.
236. Augustinianum: Volume > 56 > Issue: 2
Juan Antonio Gaytán Luna Sul viaggio dell’anima dopo la morte: Qualche annotazione ad uno studio di Peter Brown
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This paper analyzes a book on the afterlife, The Ransom of the Soul: Afterlife and Wealth in Early Western Christianity, by the well known scholar Peter Brown, published in English in 2015 and translated into Italian in 2016. The Author proceeds by examining thoroughly Brown’s insights and conclusions.
237. Augustinianum: Volume > 6 > Issue: 1
Francesco Vattioni La giustizia nel commercio secondo Prov. 16,11
238. Augustinianum: Volume > 6 > Issue: 1
Damaso Trapp La tomba bisoma di Tommaso da Strasburgo e Gregorio da Rimini
239. Augustinianum: Volume > 6 > Issue: 1
Francesco Vattioni Saggezza e creazione in Prov. 3,19-20
240. Augustinianum: Volume > 6 > Issue: 1
Giuseppe Casati De Doctrina Christiana