Displaying: 481-500 of 1047 documents

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481. Augustinianum: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Manlio Simonetti Antilegomenon su ὑπόστασις
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Concerning the vexing question concerning the value to be attributed to ὁμοούσιος, the key term of Nicea, this note rejects the earlier critiques raised against Simonetti by way of an interpretation of the expressions εξ ἑτέρας ὑπόστασις contained in the fourth creedal formula of Antiochia.
482. Augustinianum: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero La Cita Atanasiana del Apologeticum de Tribus Capitulis de Julián de Toledo
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Neither of the two existing critical editions of the Apologeticum de tribus capitulis succeeds in identifying a literal citation which its author, Julian of Toledo attributes to Athanasius of Alexandria and which is not found in either of the works, authentic or attributed, of the patriarch of Alexandria. After an analysis of the sources which Julian may have utilized in his polemic with the Roman see, we find the citation in the Contra Arianos, Sabellianos et Photinianos dialogus of Virgil of Tapso in a fictitious conversation that this African author of the fifth century establishes between Arius and Athanasius.
483. Augustinianum: Volume > 54 > Issue: 1
Claudio Moreschini La Sapienza Pagana al Servizio Della Dottrina Trinitaria Secondo lo Pseudo Didimo di Alessandria
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From the perspective of concordism the pseudo-Didymean De Trinitate, offers many citations from philosophical and pagan religious literature, the purpose of which is to find confirmation of the truth revealed by Christ. This study shows how the most interesting among pagan poetry cited by Pseudo-Didymus aims to enrich the section of his work dedicated to the definition of God, the Trinitarian persons and their prerogatives, conveying a theology analogous to that developed by the Cappadocians.
484. Augustinianum: Volume > 54 > Issue: 2
Clementina Mazzucco I rapporti tra i coniugi nel pensiero dei Padri della Chiesa (I-III sec.)
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The article deals with the views of the Fathers of the Church on relations between husband and wife between the end of the first century and the end of the third century, an age that is less studied in this respect, even though it offers good documentation concerning the subject (particularly in the case of Tertullian and Clement of Alexandria). Four themes are considered: 1. adultery and separation; 2. the conjugal debt; 3. the division of tasks between husband and wife; 4. the faith life of the couple. Different opinions and often original points of view are presented in regard to the lawfulness of the second marriage, the culpability of adultery, the value of sexuality in the marriage and the wife’s subordination to her husband.
485. Augustinianum: Volume > 54 > Issue: 2
Mª Amparo Mateo Donet Las Actas de los mártires. Una actualización de los Documentos Sobre los Primeros Cristianos
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This paper is an update of the documents we have concerning the Acts of the Christian martyrs, focused on three main aspects: 1) the kind of acts we know of and their classification from the point of view of their historic value; 2) the versions or editions of the texts that are most accepted by scholars; 3) the relevance of the different parts that make up these documents in order to discern the original text from passages that were rewritten or underwent later variations. In this way, the article offers an exhaustive list of the documents for use in researching Christian martyrs in the Roman period.
486. Augustinianum: Volume > 54 > Issue: 2
Manlio Simonetti Su Origene, Commento a Matteo 17, 1-3; 25-28
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This comment concerns above all the existing relationship between the Greek text that has reached us and the ancient Latin translation of Origen’s Commentary on Matthew, analyzing two passages from the XVII book; that is, the interpretations of Mt. 21,23-27 and Mt. 22, 15-22. The Greek and Latin texts are not always consistent with one another: in most cases the Latin version abbreviates or omits some passages from the Greek, but at times it reveals typical exegetical minutiae from the origenian ratio interpretandi and absent from the incomplete Greek text available to us today, as the Author clearly points out in this study.
487. Augustinianum: Volume > 54 > Issue: 2
Patricio De Navascués Benlloch I Padri della Chiesa e la teologia dogmatica. Alcune considerazioni
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This article offers a series of reflections on the relationship that should exist between the Church Fathers and dogmatic theology. In order not to underplay the indispensable function performed by the Fathers, a function understood in theological and not in historical terms, the dogmatic theologian must stand before them – as Irenaeus stood before the elderly Polycarp – listening and receiving from them the message that, in harmony with the Scriptures and guided by the grace of God, they ought to deepen and con-temporize.
488. Augustinianum: Volume > 54 > Issue: 2
Angelo Segneri Alla ricerca delle fonti patristiche del De Trinitate pseudodidimiano
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Traditionally attributed to Didymus the Blind, this anonymous work on the Trinity found in the Cod. Rom. Angel. gr. 116, has no certain authorship. The article throws light on the numerous parallels among the so-called De Trinitate and passages from Basil, the two Gregorys, Athanasius, the pseudo-Basilian books IV and V of the Adversus Eunomium, as well as from some writings of Cyril of Alexandria. Even though the question of the paternity of De Trinitate is still destined to remain clouded, the parallels pointed out by the Author tend definitely to exclude Didymus as the author of this anonymous theological tract.
489. Augustinianum: Volume > 54 > Issue: 2
Americo Miranda I ministeri ecclesiastici ed il rapporto tra “temporale” e “spirituale” nell’opera di Giovanni Crisostomo
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Ministers of the Church, whose characters were well defined in the second half of the fourth century, were more and more identified as the perfect believers. In the texts of John Chrysostom several models of “spiritual man” emerge on the basis of his personal experience and the evolution of his works: the monk, the presbyter, and the bishop. One notes that the relation of the Church to secular institutions is of greater importance in the works of Chrysostom, paying as he does particular attention to the autonomy of the Church. In an original way he refrains from criticizing political institutions, preferring to express a balanced view. He holds that a coexistence with political authorities is possible, and he urges a moral conver-gence with them. Ecclesial ministries find a more solid basis in the Chrysostom’s complex and sometimes pained statements, both in their ideal expressions and in their concrete effects on the society of the fourth century.
490. Augustinianum: Volume > 55 > Issue: 1
Sergio Gerardo Americano La versione latina Della Doctrina ad Antiochum Ducem Pseudo-Atanasiana (CPG 2255) Origine E Datazione
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The Doctrina ad Antiochum ducem, incorrectly attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria, owes its importance to the transmission of extensive extracts from the Shepherd of Hermas. Doctrina is transmitted in Greek in two recensions, a brevior (in 11 chapters) and a longa (in 21 chapters); however the same recensio longa has been subject to a number of redactional phases. A Latin version edited only recently, the object of this present study, sheds light on these later redactions. Stylistic and historical-literary considerations prompt a dating in the 40’s of the sixth century and assign paternity to Paschasius of Dumium, a monkwho lived in a monastery of the same name in northwest of Braga (Portugal) that was founded at the same time by Martin of Braga (ca. 510 — 579). The dating of the Latin version also entails a more precise dating of the original Greek, assignable to the beginning of the sixth century.
491. Augustinianum: Volume > 55 > Issue: 1
Angelo Segneri L’ Epistula Synodalis pseudoanfilochiana (CPG 3243)
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The intention here is to propose a new critical edition of the so-called Epistula synodalis (CPG 3243) a text traditionally attributed to Amphilochius of Iconium, but which the Author considers to be spurious. Alongside the Italian translation of the letter, based on a comparative commentary with the writings of Basil (and also of the two Gregories), a strong dependence of this text on Cappadocian Fathers’ Trinitarian theology and pneumatology is brought to light. However, its origin is probably an anonymous work, only subsequently associated with Amphilochius.
492. Augustinianum: Volume > 55 > Issue: 1
Clara Burini de Lorenzi La Peregrinatio di Paola: Agiografia ed Esegesi (Girolamo, ep. 108)
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In Letter 108, Jerome describes the itinerary of Paula from Rome to Bethlehem (108:7-14). This section introduces hagiographic and exegetical elements: the route becomes the celebration and memory of exemplary pietas while the places consent once more to the teaching of the Scripture and the inalienable principle “from letter to spirit”.
493. Augustinianum: Volume > 55 > Issue: 1
Giulio Malavasi Orosio discepolo di Agostino? L’influenza di Girolamo nel Liber Apologeticus
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Orosius is generally considered Augustine’s companion in the debate with Pelagius; however, a careful analysis of his Liber Apologeticus shows that Orosius shares the main features of Jerome’s polemic against Pelagius, thus moving away from Augustine’s approach. Orosius and Jerome used the same source (Pelagius’ Liber Testimoniorum), unknown to Augustine. They depicted Pelagius as the heir of Christian heretics, such as Origen, Priscillian and Jovinian; they both employed offensive language; and, finally, they agreed on the main theological problems involved in the controversy (grace and free will, instead of original sin and infant baptism). All of these issues are at odds with what Augustine believed was the right approach against Pelagius. At the end of his Palestinian experience, Orosius was no longer Augustine’s disciple, but rather Jerome’s companion in the struggle against Pelagius.
494. Augustinianum: Volume > 55 > Issue: 1
Luigi Arata A proposito di Filone di Alessandria, Cher. 37
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Because of a strong similarity between two passages in Philo Judaeus, Cher. 37 and Her. 206, and the verb ejpikhrukeuvomai which is used in both loci is almost always completed by a dative. The Author proposes to read bivw/ instead of bivou at Cher. 37.
495. Augustinianum: Volume > 55 > Issue: 1
Margherita Cecchelli Nota sui titoli romani e le regioni ecclesiastiche
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This article studies the organization of Christian Rome − which encapsulated not only the city inside the walls, but also the suburban area replete with sanctuaries dedicated to the many Roman martyrs. These sanctuaries required a careful management that was entrusted to the titular churches (the old parishes). Their particular classification respected their singular dignitas that was bestowed upon them according to the importance of their functions. The titlesreflected the fabric of the seven ecclesiastical regions into which the city inside the walls had been divided. A second part of this study presents an exploration of the most ancient titles from the fourth to the sixth century, and some problematic cases, as well as the development and proper peculiarities of each ecclesiastical region, beginning with the seventh region: Trastevere (Transtiberina) and Tiber Island, on account of its odd history and also due to the interference of the Portuense diocese.
496. Augustinianum: Volume > 55 > Issue: 1
Alessandro Capone A proposito di una recente pubblicazione sull’esegesi siriaca
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The article presents some critical remarks on the recent book by Sabino Chialà: La perla dai molti riflessi. La lettura della Scrittura nei padri siriaci, Magnano 2014.
497. Augustinianum: Volume > 55 > Issue: 1
Juan Antonio Gaytán Luna Risurrezione dei morti e/o della carne. A proposito di due recenti pubblicazioni
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This note analyzes two recently published volumes: G. Di Palma, Cristo primizia dei morti e la risurrezione dei credenti. Studio su 1Cor 15, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Bern 2014, and A. Bizzozero, Una catechesi sulla risurrezione dei morti. Analisi dei Sermoni 361 e 362 di Agostino di Ippona, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Frankfurt am Main 2014. In it, the Author highlights the merits and the shortcomings of both volumes.
498. Augustinianum: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Vincenzo Gallorano Il De incarnatione contra Apollinarium, libri duo. La teologia del De incarnatione Christi contra Apollinarium e del De salutari epiphania contra Apollinarium. Elementi di contatto e di divergenza
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Researchers agree on ascribing the De incarnatione Christi contra Apollinarium and the De salutari epiphania contra Apollinarium to two different authors, who probably shared the same theological education. The latter not only uses a mature theological style but shows a better knowledge of Apollinarius of Laodicea and his disciples’ writings. Even though the two authors try to demonstrate the presence of a perfect humanity in Christ, against Apollinarian thought, we can find some important differences in their works concerning the topic of the impeccabilitas of Christ and the relationship between sin and freedom. They explain in a different way the theory of salvation according to Apollinarius: while according to the author of De incarnatione Christi contra Apollinarium the man can save himself through the imitation of Christ, for the other writer salvation has been accomplished only because Christ is devoid of any trace of sin.
499. Augustinianum: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Maria Carolina Campone Vocibus concinentium: musica e canto nell’architettura “politica” di Paolino di Nola
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The analysis of Letter XLV of Paulinus of Nola, addressed to Augustine, shows how the author rebuilds, at its deepest level, the conceptual nucleus of platonic reflection, founded on the notion of “harmony” – with clear mathematical-musical and political implications – which also determines the presence of the cursus of this subject in the letter’s prose. Contrasting this text with others by the Cimitilite ascetic, it is possible to point out a precise line of thought, intended to define an ideal model of society founded on the polysemic value of concinentia through a revival of the common themes that pertain specifically to neoplatonic philosophy.
500. Augustinianum: Volume > 61 > Issue: 2
Emanuele Di Santo Girolamo, Elvidio e il contesto teologico romano al tempo di Damaso
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This essay places the debate between Jerome and Helvidius in the theological context of the Rome of Pope Damasus. It presents the different theological positions of Helvidius and Jerome, highlighting that the literary clash was in the first place centered on asceticism and only later on the question of the perpetual virginity of Mary. The controversy, before being dogmatic, was exegetical in nature and this could explain the absence of an official intervention by Pope Damasus. Referring mainly to the testimony of Ambrosiaster, it is proved in this study that the thought of Helvidius differed from the tradition of the Church in Rome, and that even Jerome innovates with his exegetical solution to the issue of the «brethren of the Lord».