Displaying: 1-20 of 162 documents

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1. La genèse du monde fantastique en littérature: Year > 2008
Jad Hatem Avant-Propos
2. La genèse du monde fantastique en littérature: Year > 2008
Jad Hatem Chapitre III: Désir et Inquiétante Étrangeté. La Vénus D'ille De Mérimée
3. La genèse du monde fantastique en littérature: Year > 2008
Jad Hatem Chapitre IV: Écriture et Théogonie. Malpertuis de Jean Ray
4. La genèse du monde fantastique en littérature: Year > 2008
Jad Hatem Chapitre V: La Plasmation. Les Récits Fantastiques de Maupassant
5. La genèse du monde fantastique en littérature: Year > 2008
Jad Hatem Chapitre VI: Du Fantastique Onirique Kafka, Ghadat As-Sammane
6. La genèse du monde fantastique en littérature: Year > 2008
Jad Hatem Chapitre I: Éternel Féminin Et Projection. L'Ève Future De Villiers De L'isle-Adam
7. La genèse du monde fantastique en littérature: Year > 2008
Jad Hatem Chapitre II: La Remontée Vers Le Secret. La Maison D'andré Maurois
8. Translation and Interpretation: Year > 2012
Parvis Emad “Thinking” in the Crossing to, and “Poetizing” out of the Other Onset: Preliminary Reflections on Heidegger's Characterizations of Nietzsche and Hölderlin in Beiträge
9. Translation and Interpretation: Year > 2012
Parvis Emad Nietzsche and the Crossing to the Other Onset of Thinking in Light of Heidegger's Hermeneutic Guideline
10. Translation and Interpretation: Year > 2012
Parvis Emad Heidegger and the Question of Translation: A Closer Look
11. Translation and Interpretation: Year > 2012
Parvis Emad Foreword + Preface + Acknowledgements
12. Translation and Interpretation: Year > 2012
Parvis Emad Sizing up Recent Heidegger-Literature: A Look at the Task and the Measure
13. Translation and Interpretation: Year > 2012
Parvis Emad Heidegger on Rilke: The Outline of a Hermeneutic Inquiry
14. Translation and Interpretation: Year > 2012
Parvis Emad Contributions to Philosophy: The Da-sein and The Be-ing (Enowning), by Martin Heidegger
15. Translation and Interpretation: Year > 2012
Frank Schalow Introduction
16. Translation and Interpretation: Year > 2012
Parvis Emad Selected Bibliography + Index of Names + Index of Terms + Index of Greek Terms
17. Translation and Interpretation: Year > 2012
Parvis Emad Heidegger's Eighteen “Notes” on Beiträge and What They Convey
18. Translational Hermeneutics: Year > 2015
19. Translational Hermeneutics: Year > 2015
Mao Chen Hermeneutics and Life Writing: Ha Jin as a “Migrant” Translator
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The hermeneutics of translation is particularly important to Ha Jin’s work, which includes the novel instead A Free Life, a collection of essays instead The Writer as Migrant, and the book of short stories instead A Good Fall. The concept of translation adopted throughout is based on how “life writing”enables the author to employ his or her own experiences in composing a literary text, which is constituted in a manner that cannot be reduced to subjective concerns. Ha Jin is shown to present various personal experiences in a mediated form in his novels and prose essays. In contrast to a conception of “life writing” that draws strongly on the genre of memoir, this paper maintains that Ha Jin transforms or “translates” personal experience into a fictional content that goes beyond the writer’s life-history. The hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and the phenomenological criticism of Wolfgang Iser are employed in this paper to demonstrate how Ha Jin’s contribution to literature cannot be assimilated to a subjective account of writing.In the conclusion of the paper, I emphasize how Ha Jin’s commitment to literary form is inseparable from his attempt to translate lived experience into fiction and criticism.
20. Translational Hermeneutics: Year > 2015
Marcel Inhoff Th e Hermeneutics of Culture in D. Walcott’s “The Prodigal”
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In postmodern poetry, religious motifs have always played an intriguing role. The practice of religious hermeneutics, of translation, and of the development of new literary and cultural forms of expression have proved to be so interdependent as to be inseparable. Writers from former colonies have a radically unique relationship to this knotted complex of religion, nation and culture. In this paper I will examine this phenomenon by analyzing a text by Caribbean Nobel laureate Derek Walcott that grapples with the issues of hermeneutics, translation and hybrid identity. Th e Prodigal: A Poem is constructed around the tension between being a part of the ‘Western world’, with its canonical cultural and political history, and being a native of Saint Lucia. It takes up James Cliff ord’s notion of cultural travel by showing how European identity is predicated on the travel of ideas within the small geographic space that is Western Europe. Drawing on centuries of European literature, Walcott reverses the canonized metaphors of travel that characterize literature about his own home: in his text, Saint Lucia is the unmarked, fixed place, and Europe becomes the exotic village of anthropological studies. In doing so, Walcott makes deft use of the biblical figure of the Prodigal Son, well aware of how dependent European literatureis on biblical traditions. In fact, as I will suggest in my paper, it is not the bible as a fixed, canonical text that we find underlying European myths. It is rather a long process of translation and interpretation and re-translation in which Christian images, metaphors and stories are passed on. This constant act of hermeneutic attention to that specific text and its critics has become such an integral part of European literature and culture that it allows Walcott to easily use it to discuss the contradictory identity of a black writer, writing in English, “a hieratic language he will never inherit”. In his travels through Europe, Walcott interweaves language and world, working out a sense of self, an identity paradoxically both predicated on European culture and independent of it.