Displaying: 581-600 of 702 documents

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581. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
S. Folgado Flórez Ivanka, Endre V., Plato Christianus. Übernahme und Umgestaltung des Platonismus durch die Väter
582. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
J.-M. Guirau Zerwick, Max, S. J., Der Brief an die Galater: Die Welt der Bibel: Kleinkommentare zur Heiligen Schrift 2 – Walter, Eugen, Der zweite Brief an die Korinther
583. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
R. Romero Trese, L., Dialogue sur le sacerdoce
584. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
O. Garcia de la Fuente Loretz, O., Qohelet und der Alte Orient
585. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
J. Martín Philipon, M. M., Les dons du Saint-Esprit
586. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
J.-M. Guirau Schnackenburg, Rudolf, Die Johannesbriefe (Herders theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament, XIII, 3)
587. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
S. Folgado Flórez Brazzale, Felice M., La dottrina del miracolo in S. Agostino
588. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
S. Folgado Flórez La Bonnardiére, A. M., Biblia Augustiniana. A. T. Les douze petits prophètes
589. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
J. A. García Rahner, H., Symbole der Kirche
590. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
J. Grimaldos Hughes, E. J., The participation of the faithful in the regal and prophetic mission of Christ according to Saint Augustine
591. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
J. Fernández Vagaggini G. - C. Penco, C. e Collab., La Preghiera
592. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 3
D. Gutiérrez Jedin, Hubert, Krisis und Abschluss des Trienter Konzils: 1562-63
593. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 3
C. Martín Javierre, Antonio M., El tema literario de la sucesión. Prolegómenos para el estudio de la Sucesión Apostolica
594. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 3
J. Fernández Rahner, H., Ignatius von Loyola als Mensch und Theologe
595. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 3
A. Alonso Escolapios víctimas de la persecución religiosa en España (1936-1939)
596. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 3
C. Alonso Le Bras, Gabriel, Institutions ecclésiastiques de la Chrétienté médiévale: vol. I: Préliminaires & Ière Parie-Livre I
597. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 3
J. M. Guirau Schubert, K., Vom Messias zum Christus. Die Fülle der Zeit in religions-geschichtlicher und theologischer Sicht
598. Augustinianum: Volume > 5 > Issue: 3
J. Martín Damas, A. R., Pensamiento político de Hostiensis
599. Augustinianum: Volume > 55 > Issue: 2
Jerónimo Leal Orígenes, Sobre los principios, introducción, texto crítico, traducción y notas de Samuel Fernández
600. Augustinianum: Volume > 57 > Issue: 1
Guillermo J. Cano Gómez Hilario de Poitiers, In In Matth. 7, 3-5 y la angelología
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Saint Hilary of Poitiers in his Commentary on Matthew explains the famous scene of the centurion and his servant (Mt. 8, 5-13). According to Hilary, the centurion represents the “prince of the nations,” but he does not explain who this “prince” is because he wants to speak about the servant. However, he gives two references in the Bible for those who want to know who this prince is. The hypothesis defended in this article maintains that the prince is an angel who looks after the Gentile nations. This hypothesis is grounded in research on Hilary’s biblical references and in the comparison with other texts in which he expounds his doctrine about this type of angel.