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Displaying: 701-720 of 1191 documents

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701. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 1
Rebecca DeYoung Four Faces of Anger: Seneca, Evagrius Ponticus
702. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 1
Bernard G. Prusak Children in Late Ancient Christianity
703. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 1
Phillip Cary Augustine and the Trinity
704. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 1
Ian Clausen On the Free Choice of the Will, On Grace and Free Choice, and Other Writings
705. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 1
Gerard McLarney Christianity and the Secular: Blessed Pope John XXII Lecture Series in Theology and Culture
706. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 1
C.P.E. Nothaft Augustine and the Shape of the Earth: A Critique of Leo Ferrari
707. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 1
J. Patout Burns Sancti Aurelii Augustini: Sermones in Epistolas Apostolicas I
708. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 1
Adam D. Ployd The Unity of the Dove: The Sixth Homily on the Gospel of John and Augustine’s Trinitarian Solution to the Donatist Schism
709. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 1
Robert P. Kennedy Politics and the Order of Love: An Augustinian Ethic of Democratic Citizenship
710. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 1
Gerard McLarney Augustine and History
711. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 2
Matthew Drever Richard C. Taylor, David Twetten, and Michael Wreen, eds. Tolle Lege: Essays on Augustine and on Medieval Philosophy in Honor of Roland J. Teske, S.J.
712. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 2
Rebecca G. Addy Jason David BeDuhn. Augustine’s Manichaean Dilemma. Volume 1: Conversion and Apostasy, 373–388 C.E.
713. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 2
Rafal Toczko Heretic as Bad Rhetorician: How Augustine Discredited Pelagius
714. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 2
Robert McEachnie Edward Smither. Augustine as Mentor: A Model for Preparing Spiritual Leaders
715. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 2
Mark J. Boone Matthew Levering. The Betrayal of Charity: The Sins that Sabotage Divine Love
716. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 2
Michael Kaler Jacob Albert van den Berg, Annemaré Kotzé, Tobias Nicklas, and Madeleine Scopello, eds. “In Search of Truth”: Augustine, Manichaeism and other Gnosticism. Studies for Johannes van Oort at Sixty
717. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 2
John C. Cavadini The Anatomy of Wonder: An Augustinian Taxonomy
718. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 2
Dylan M. Burns John D. Turner and Kevin Corrigan, eds. Plato’s Parmenides and Its Heritage, vol. 2. Reception in Patristic, Gnostic, and Christian Neoplatonic Texts
719. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 2
Books Received
720. Augustinian Studies: Volume > 42 > Issue: 2
Claudio Micaelli Sara Matteoli. Alle origini della teologia di Pelagio Tematiche e fonti delle Expositiones XIII Epistularum Pauli