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341. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 7
Grzegorz Oleksy SJ Problem umysł-ciało. Wprowadzenie [The Body-Mind Problem. An Introduction]
342. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 7
Stanisław A. Wargacki, SVD Wolność naturą i prawem człowieka, Indywidualny i społeczny wymiar wolności [Freedom - A Human's Nature andOne's Right. The Individual and Social Aspects of Freedom]
343. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 7
Wojciech Słomski K. R. Popper's Philosophy of Science and the Semantics of A. Tarski
344. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 7
Jacek Poznański SJ The laws of nature, The Range of Human Knowledge And Divine Action [Prawa natury, zakres ludzkiej wiedzy i Boże działanie],
345. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 7
Leszek Gęsiak SJ Value system of the European Union: «Charter of Fundamental Rights»
346. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 7
Piotr Lenartowicz SJ, Jolanta Koszteyn On Paley, Epagogé, Technical Mind and a fortiori Argumentation
347. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 7
Index / Contents / Treść „Forum Philosophicum", 1996-2001
348. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 7
Jan Dorda SJ The project on formulating axioms of efficient causality by means of the prepositional variables calculus
349. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 7
Stanisław Ziemiański SJ Studium o przyczynowości sprawczej z zastosowaniem w kosmologii i w teodycei [A Study of Efficient Causality as Applied to Cosmology and Theodicy]
350. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 8
University School of Philosophy and of Education Ignatianum, Cracow - General Information
351. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 8
Stanistaw Kowalczyk, Jan Kłos Elementy filozofii i teologii sportu [The elements of philosophy and theology of sport]
352. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 8
Tadeusz Biesaga Personalism versus Principlism in Bioethics
353. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 8
Peter-Hans Kolvenbach Intellectual Dimension of Jesuit Ministries
354. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 8
Bogdan Lisiak The notion of philosophy in the correspondence between Adam Kochański, S.J. and Gottfried Leibniz
355. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 8
Tadeusz Ślipko Marian I. Morawski's conception of philosophy as applied to contemporary discussion of John Paul II encyclical Fides et ratio
356. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 8
Jan Wawrzyniak Ludwig Wittgenstein a Religia - Wprowadzenie [Ludwig Wittgenstein and Religion - Introduction]
357. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 8
Tadeusz Biesaga Zarys etyki ogólnej [Outline of General Ethics]
358. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 8
Mikołaj Krasnodębski F. Gabryl's anthropology and theory of knowlegde
359. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 8
Wojciech Słomski Philosophy of Culture and European Identity
360. Forum Philosophicum: Volume > 8
Stanisław Ziemiański Possibility - Actuality - God