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481. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 11 > Issue: 1
Gary R. Habermas God’s Activity in Today’s World: A Review Essay on Kingdom Triangle
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In this review essay, I consider J. P. Moreland’s Kingdom Triangle as a recent example that takes seriously the incursion of God’s Kingdom into the human realm. Among other things, Moreland’s book helpfully provides some needed leadership and modeling for Christian philosophers as we reflect upon what it means to know and indeed experience first-hand the supernatural in-breaking of God’s power. Moreland’s approach locates the experience of God’s miraculous activity within the panoply of the Christian knowledge tradition and alongside what it means for Christ to be formed in our interior. I conclude with some of my own research examples of God’s healing power.
482. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 11 > Issue: 1
Steven D. Hales What to Do about Incommensurable Doxastic Perspectives: Reply to Mark McLeod-Harrison
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The present paper is a response to the criticisms that Mark McLeod-Harrison makes of my book Relativism and the Foundations of Philosophy. If secular, intuition-driven rationalist philosophy yields a belief that p, and Christian, revelation-driven epistemic methods yield a belief that not-p, what should we do? Following Alston, McLeod-Harrison argues that Christian philosophers need do nothing, and remains confident that their way is the best. I argue that this is a serious epistemic mistake, and that relativism about philosophical propositions is a superior approach. McLeod-Harrison also raises two objections to my account of relativism, the first against my rejection of the skeptical alternative, and the second attempting to show that I am committed to an epistemic theory of truth. I rebut both arguments.
483. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 11 > Issue: 1
Charles Taliaferro Philosophers without God: A Review Essay
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An overview and critical evaluation of personal testimonies and arguments by some contemporary atheist philosophers. Feldman’s case that epistemic parity (where equally intelligent persons adopt incompatible beliefs) should lead to agnosticism is examined and found to be self-refuting.
484. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 11 > Issue: 1
William Lane Craig Vilenkin’s Cosmic Vision: A Review Essay on Many Worlds in One
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Alexander Vilenkin’s recent book is a wonderful popular introduction to contempo­rary cosmology. It contains provocative discussions of both the beginning of the universe and of the fine-tuning of the universe for intelligent life. Vilenkin is a prominent exponent of the multiverse hypothesis, which features in the book’s title. His defense of this hypothesis depends in a crucial and interesting way on conflating time and space. His claim that his theory of the quantum creation of the universe explains the origin of the universe from nothing trades on a misunderstanding of “nothing.”
485. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 11 > Issue: 1
Sandra Menssen, Thomas D. Sullivan Revelation: From Metaphor to Analogy
486. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 11 > Issue: 1
Garry DeWeese Quid ergo Hipponium et Floridensis?: Or, Does Horner Succeed in Referring? A Rejoinder
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David Horner has recently offered a medieval argument for an Anglophilic pronunciation of the name of St. Augustine. I claim his disputatious account fails, both on an account of interlinguistic phonological equivalence, and on a Kripkean-style rigid-designator theory of reference. It turns out, surprisingly, that Floridians are closer to the truth about the correct pronunciation of the medieval saint’s name than are Englishmen.
487. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 11 > Issue: 1
David A. Horner Whether Augustine’s Name Should Be Pronounced AW-gus-teen or aw-GUS-tin?
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The pronunciation of Augustine’s name is a matter of some dispute, between those (including most British scholars) who pronounce it aw-GUS-tin, and those who pronounce it AW-gus-teen. This essay argues for the former as the preferred pronunciation. It is (humorously) modeled on the technical argumentative model of the medieval disputation, which is known best by philosophers in the form of Thomas Aquinas’s masterwork, Summa Theologiae.
488. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 11 > Issue: 1
News and Announcements
489. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 11 > Issue: 1
Douglas Groothuis The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion
490. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 11 > Issue: 1
Andrew Nam Kierkegaard’s Concept of Despair
491. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
Craig J. Hazen Editor’s Introduction
492. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
J. P. Moreland Substance Dualism and the Argument from Self-Awareness
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There are two tasks for any adequate philosophy of mind: (1) articulate one’s position and explain why dualism is the commonsense view; (2) defend one’s position. I believe that there is an argument that simultaneously satisfies both desiderata in a non–ad hoc way and, thus, the argument can thereby claim the virtue of theoretical simplicity in its favor. In what follows, I shall present the argument and defend its most crucial premise, respond to three criticisms that have been raised against it, and draw out one dialectical implication of the argument.
493. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
Dallas Willard Intentionality and the Substance of the Self
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The aim of this paper is to provide a way of thinking about the human self or person that does not simply lose it in the objects of its experiences, but gives it substance in terms of those experiences themselves. They are characteristically “of ” or “about” objects—a feature called “intentionality.” After discussing some well-known failures (largely Empiricist) to capture the self without intentionality, I sketch Husserl’s presentation of consciousness and life as a massive totality of synchronic and diachronic intentionalities that allows us to understand what persons actually do, for example, in mastering fields of research or leading a moral life.
494. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
Angus Menuge The Ontological Argument from Reason: Why Compatibilist Accounts of Reasoning Fail
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The ontological argument from reason aims to show that deliberative reasoning cannot be located in a naturalistic ontology, because such reasoning requires a unified, enduring self with libertarian free will. The most popular way of avoiding this argument is to claim that some version of naturalistic compatibilism suffices for human reason, because even in a world of event causation, some creatures may be responsive to reason. In this paper, I argue that the best versions of this approach either smuggle in nonnaturalistic commitments or else cannot distinguish between compulsive rationality merely occurring in someone’s brain from reasoning an agent does.
495. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
Mihretu P. Guta Frank Jackson’s Location Problem and Argument from the Self
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E. J. Lowe argues in Personal Agency that the self is physically embodied yet not identical with any physical body, nor with any part of a physical body, such as the brain. For Lowe, the self is an agent that is capable of carrying out intentional actions. Call this the thesis about the self (TS). In this paper my purpose is to develop and defend TS and argue that Frank Jackson’s serious metaphysics (SM) fails to account for the nature of the self. This paper is outlined as follows: Section I presents Lowe’s theory of the self. In section II, I present Jackson’s central claims of SM. In section III, I develop Jackson’s SM as an objection against Lowe’s TS. In section IV, I respond to objections raised against Lowe’s TS and then critique Jackson’s claim that if an entity is not locatable within the framework of physicalism it should be eliminated. In section V, I conclude that Lowe’s TS is superior to Jackson’s SM.
496. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
Jerry L. Walls Why No Classical Theist, Let Alone Orthodox Christian, Should Ever Be a Compatibilist
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I argue that no classical theist, and even more no orthodox Christian, should affirm compatibilism in our world. However plausible compatibilism may be on atheistic assumptions, bringing God into the equation should radically alter our judgment on this ongoing controversy. In particular, if freedom and determinism are compatible, then God could have created a world in which all persons freely did only the good at all times. Given this implication of compatibilism, three issues that are already challenging become extraordinarily more difficult, if not insuperable, namely: moral responsibility, the problem of evil, and the orthodox doctrine of eternal damnation.
497. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
R. Scott Smith Finitude, Fallenness, and Immediacy: Husserlian Replies to Westphal and Smith
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Merold Westphal and James K. A. Smith argue forcefully that Christians should embrace the postmodern turn to interpretation. They draw upon Derrida and Heidegger, and they criticize Edmund Husserl’s “metaphysics of presence” and our ability to know reality directly. They reject his epistemology as modern and arrogant, as an attempt to gain pristine knowledge. But I argue that they radically misunderstand and therefore wrongly reject Husserl. This will allow me to show why their view, that “everything is interpretation,” is mistaken. It also will allow me to show why Husserl’s earlier work shows us how we can know reality immediately.
498. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
Paul Gould Theistic Activism: A New Problem and Solution
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Platonic theists have fallen on hard days. Theologically, it is argued that Platonism is unacceptable for the traditional theist, violating the aseity-sovereignty doctrine. Philosophically, Platonic theism suffers from an unforgiveable sin—incoherence. Understandably, the arguments in the literature are advanced as generically as possible, seeking metaphysical thinness in order to achieve clarity. I argue that this way of engaging the debate over the possibility of Platonic theism will only take one so far. What is needed is a bit of serious (and substantial) metaphysics. I engage in such serious metaphysics on behalf of one kind of Platonic Theist, the Theistic Activist, arguing that a new problem and solution surfaces when considering the substance-property nexus. Further, the solution on offer to this new problem shows promise in addressing more generic arguments against the possibility of Platonic theism.
499. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
Donny Swanson Nancey Murphy on the Distinctiveness of Being Human
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In this paper I examine Nancey Murphy’s claim that human persons are distinct on account of the degree to which they exercise functional capacities. I contend that these capacities, which Murphy says are important to God, not only constitute human distinctiveness but also constitute the intrinsic moral value of humans. As such, her position implies that because human moral value is had by virtue of functional capacities and, because such capacities admit of degrees, human moral value admits of degrees. I conclude by arguing that Murphy’s notion of human distinctiveness seriously undermines the idea that humans enjoy moral equality.
500. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
Gregory L. Bock Hume and Religious Miracles: A Reply to Robert Larmer
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Robert Larmer critiques my view that the correct interpretation of David Hume’s argument against miracles in “Of Miracles” is that no testimony of a miracle can serve as the foundation of a religion. Larmer thinks that there is no unified argument in the section but says that Hume’s essential argument is that there can never be a justification for believing that a miracle has occurred on the basis of testimony. I raise a number of problems with Larmer’s interpretation, not the least of which is the fact that Hume explicitly contradicts such a reading.