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301. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Friedo Ricken Plotin über Ewigkeit und Zeit und Leben in der Gegenwart
302. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Klaus Müller Selbsterhaltung: Ein stoisches Korrektiv spätmoderner Kritik am modernenSubjektgedanken
303. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Drago Perović Das Problem der Transzendenz bei Heidegger und Levinas
304. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Monika Michałowska Grammar and Theology in Eriugena’s Philosophy
305. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Authors in Philotheos 1 (2001) – 7 (2007)
306. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Philipp W. Rosemann The Lutheran Heidegger: Reflections on S. J. McGrath, The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophy
307. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Predrag Čičovački The Meaning of Christ’s Sacrifice: Reflections on Dostoevsky’s Idiot
308. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Eugen Schweitzer Plato’s Proof of God’s Existence
309. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Jean-Michel Charrue Origène élève d’Ammonius
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Was Origen pupil of Ammonius or not? The transcendence, manifold unity of Christ, inspired by the Salomon’s Wisdom marked the nearness wirh a fragment of this one. But it is about freedom, that we can see a common inspiration. It is also, about man, soul and body, the first of divine nature, as is it quoted in the text. Finally Providence will have the same role of unity that will be found until Proclus, while the prescience of God excludes, as Plotinus any fatalism. The whole, and the nearness of method make this position, probable.
310. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Andrew Louth St Gregory Palamas and the Holy Mountain
311. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Irinej Dobrijević Saint Nicholai of Zhicha: A Contemporary Orthodox Witness
312. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Christoph Jamme Anfängliches Denken versus Weltbürgertum: Hölderlin und die Destruktion des Humanismus bei Heidegger
313. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Spyridoula Athanasopoulou-Kypriou Gregory of Nyssa’s Anagogical Method of Interpretation and the Personal Realization of the Sacramentality of all Language
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In this paper, I argue that the implications of Gregory of Nyssa’s anagogical method of interpretation are of paramount importance for the theological appreciation of contemporary literature. For his emphasis on the reader’s disposition is an indication that in an orthodox Christian context, all language may correspond anagogically to God and lift people up to Him, provided people first recognize language’s redemption in Christ, and, then, actualize its sacramentality in their liturgical act of reading and through the grace of the Holy Spirit.
314. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Nick Trakakis The Desert
315. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Václav Ježek Education as a Unifying and “Uplifting” Force in Byzantium
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The present contribution discusses the dynamics of education (paideia) in Byzantium. As is well known, Byzantine education built on previous Greek/Roman educational traditions. We attempt to demonstrate, that while Byzantine education built on previous traditions, it transformed these traditions into a new specifically Byzantine ideal of paideia, which combined the content of previous hellenistic educational practices with a Christian outlook. But this Byzantine paideia was not merely a combination of the Greek and Christian tradition, but a new product. For the first time, education was being regulated, since it was an important aspect of the ideological cohesivness of the state. Education was associated with morality and ethics. Perhaps due to Christian influence, especially from the ninth century, education became to be viewed as an „uplifting“ or anagogical force, which enabled one to arrive at a universalist perspective of life and the state.
316. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Alois M. Haas Europäische Bildung: Antike Paideia und christliche Gottesebenbildlichkeit
317. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Jörg Splett Von der Göttlichkeit und Menschlichkeit Gottes
318. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Mary Lenzi Plato’s Last Look at the Gods: Philosophical Theology in Law
319. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Mostafa Younesie The Relation of Logic and Language in the Commentaries of Farabi and Aquinas on Aristotle’s Peri Hermeneias
320. Philotheos: Volume > 7
Aphrodite Alexandrakis The Bird’s Song and Platonic Formalism