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1. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 12 > Issue: 2
Drusilla Scott Comment on the Reith Lectures, Minds, Brains and Science
2. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 21 > Issue: 3
Chris Goodman The Philosophical Michael Oakeshott
3. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 21 > Issue: 3
Phil Mullins Towards a Personal Knowledge of Economic History: Reflections on Our Intellectual Heritage from the Polanyi Brothers
4. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 24 > Issue: 1
Charles S. McCoy Keiser's Post-Critical Niebuhr: A Review Article
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This review essay on R. Melvin Keiser's Roots of Relational Ethics: Responsibility in Origin and Maturity in H. Richard Niebuhr surveys selected works about Niebuhr, examines the strengths of Keiser's post-critical treatment of Niebuhr and raises questions about Keiser's views and about Niebuhr.
5. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 24 > Issue: 1
John V. Apczynski Torrance on Polanyi and Polanyi on God: Comments on Weightman's Criticisms--A Review Essay
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This review discusses Weightman's interpretation of Torrance's appropriation of Polanyi's theory of science; Weightman shows how Torrance develops a contemporary “natural”theology, moving beyond Barthian roots, but he argues Torrance misconstrues Polanyi's understanding of “religion” and God. I support Weightman's account, acknowledging much of his argument regarding the nature of religion, but I question whether his constructivist view of God can support the role it must play in Polanyi's thought.
6. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 36 > Issue: 2
Walter Gulick Polanyi’s Epistemology in the Light of Neuroscience
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In Search of Memory, Eric Kandel’s excellent account of the rise of neuroscience, in which his own research has a prominent place, is reviewed with special attention given to its relation to Michael Polanyi’s philosophy. It is found that Polanyi’s epistemological theory, although established on quite different grounds, accords well with Kandel’ s description of how the brain operates. In particular, Polanyi’s theory of tacit knowing seems to be both enriched and validated by Kandel’s account of how memory functions.
7. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 40 > Issue: 1
Jon Fennell Plausibility and Common Sense
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Thomas Nagel’s Mind and Cosmos, an analytic philosophical excursion into the meaning and implications of the mind-body problem, has striking parallels to Michael Polanyi’s thought, especially as it is captured in Personal Knowledge. Indeed, Nagel’s courageous and honest challenge to the evolutionary naturalistic orthodoxy that is currently ascendant in elite opinion is perhaps best understood, via Nagel’s emphasis on plausibility and common sense, in terms of the faith and commitment that Polanyi places at the center of his thought. But the relationship between the two philosophers moves in both directions: Study of Nagel casts useful light on Polanyi as well.
8. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 40 > Issue: 1
Andrew Grosso After the Relational Turn: Recent Studies in Personhood
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This brief article provides a critical review of several recent interdisciplinary studies of human nature, personhood, and the self (with particular attention given to the work of Christian Smith) and offers some tentative suggestions as to how those interested in the thought of Michael Polanyi might contribute to this area of on-going inquiry and reflection.
9. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 40 > Issue: 2
Walter Gulick Paul Craig Roberts’ The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism
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Roberts’ The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism offers a persuasive and serious indictment of US economic policy. Neither political party seems capable of even challenging corporate-influenced policies like the outsourcing and offshoring of jobs, policies which further enrich the very few at the expense of the many.
10. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 41 > Issue: 1
Stephen Turner Tacit Knowledge Meets Analytic Kantianism
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Neil Gascoigne and Tim Thornton’s Tacit Knowledge is an attempt to find a place for tacit knowledge as “knowledge” within the limits of analytic epistemology. They do so by reference to Jason Stanley and Timothy Williamson’s analysis of the term “way” and by the McDowell-like claim that reference to the tacitly rooted “way” of doing something exhausts the knowledge aspect of tacit knowledge, which preserves the notion of tacit knowledge, while excluding most of Michael Polanyi’s examples, and rendering Hubert Dreyfus’s and John Searle’s accounts irrelevant. This is more a redefinition of terms than an account of tacit knowledge.
11. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 42 > Issue: 1
Andrew Grosso Volition, Cognition and Action: Thomas Pfau on Knowing and Being
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Thomas Pfau’s Minding the Modern simultaneously (1) elucidates the correspondence between various philosophical issues, (2) identifies how these issues were disaggregated during the modern period and how this led to the collapse of humanistic studies, and (3) outlines a strategy for reintegrating these issues and thereby restoring confidence in forms of philosophical, historical, and moral reasoning. Pfau engages many of the problems Michael Polanyi sought to address, but approaches them from a rather different perspective.
12. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
James W. Sutnes Review of Poteat's Polanyian Meditations
13. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 41 > Issue: 3
David Nikkel Unpacking the Tacit
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In Understanding the Tacit, Stephen Turner contends that 1) neo-Kantian frameworks, understood as identical (tacit) possessions collectively shared, do not exist and 2) in communicating with a person from another perspective, a speaker is not making explicit one’s tacit knowledge, but rather improvising an articulation relative to a given context. Turner establishes the first point in convincing fashion. However, he does not allow for the possibility of similar tacit knowledge that is in some sense “shared.” While Turner has positive things to say about the embodied nature of tacit knowledge, other contentions seem to undermine the crucial nature of embodiment. Turner is also correct on his second point, though he could have strengthened his argument by recognizing Polanyian implications and insights on the difficulty or impossibility of making the tacit explicit.
14. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 41 > Issue: 3
Stephen Turner Embodiment and its Relation to the Tacit: Response to Nikkel
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In this response to David Nikkel’s review essay on Understanding the Tacit, his suggestion that the book fails to incorporate insights from embodiment theorists is addressed. It is noted, against his appeal to the example of Lakoff’s and Johnson’s discussion of the bodily origins of metaphors used in reasoning, that there are problems with treating particular embodied elements as ineliminable. Also noted is the evidence of Luria’s studies of reasoning among the unschooled, which suggest that syllogistic inference is learned, which raises questions about the relation of embodied knowing and these kinds of inferences. It is suggested that another kind of embodiment thinking, involving emulation, is a better way to approach higher reasoning, and by extension also the kind of specialized knowledge usually discussed as tacit knowledge by Polanyi.
15. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 41 > Issue: 3
Gabor Istvan Biro Michael Polanyi and the Limits of State Intervention in the Economy: Towards a New Approach to the Keynes-Hayek Debate
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This brief essay summarizes Nicholas Wapshott’s Keynes Hayek: The Clash that Defined Modern Economics and relates the early economic thought of Michael Polanyi to the dispute by raising questions for further reflection: Should we classify Polanyian economic thought as Hayekian or Keynesian, or is it something in between? How can it help us better understand the debate between these two? How is the agenda of the economist and social theorist Polanyi revealed through its connection to one of the most important episodes of the history of economic thought in the twentieth century?
16. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 47 > Issue: 2
Martin E. Turkis II Elizabeth Grosz, The Incorporeal: Ontology, Ethics, and the Limits of Materialism
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Critical theorist Elizabeth Grosz moves beyond the New Materialism she previously espoused and argues for a monism that avoids reductive materialism, holding that materiality is inconceivable without its immaterial frame. She also argues that this position ought to serve as the basis for an immanent and non-normative ontoethics. I give a summation and review of the book before offering an argument against such an approach to ethics. I also offer a related critique of the tendency, widespread within critical theory, to consider all transcendence oppressive.