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1. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Tamás Ullmann Les modèles de l’inconscient
2. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Dorothée Legrand Speaking and Hearing Infinite Unconsciousness
3. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
István Fazakas Le Labyrinthe d’air. La structure des fantasmes dans l’anthropologie phénoménologique de Marc Richir
4. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Gunnar Karlsson The Function of Phenomenology for Psychoanalysis
5. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Dylan Trigg Phantoms in the Mirror. Nostalgia Between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis
6. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Luciana Priolo Husserl’s Account of Habits: Between Primordial and Secondary Passivity
7. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Cristian Bodea The Body Makes Sense. A Phenomenology of Ego and I in Conjunction with Psychoanalysis
8. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Cristian Bodea, Delia Popa Introduction
9. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Virgil Ciomoș Phénoménologie et psychanalyse. Pour une nouvelle architectonique du phénomène
10. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Delia Popa Subjects of Desire. Time, Mourning, and Melancholia
11. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
László Komorjai Phenomenology as Descriptive Psychology
12. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Cristian Bodea, Delia Popa Index
13. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Livia Dioșan Psychic Reality and the Name of the Father. Emmanuel Lévinas’s Phenomenology between Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan
14. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Max Schaefer A Psychoanalysis of Individuation: The Affective Heart of Repression in Michel Henry
15. Describing the Unconscious: Year > 2020
Cristian Bodea, Delia Popa Contributors