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1. Philosophy and Practice in Translational Hermeneutics: Year > 2018
Katharina Hauptmann Ansätze zur Untersuchung des Verstehens beim Dolmetschen und Übersetzen
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This article is designed to contribute to the discussion of methodology in translation research. It deals with an attempt made to apply the phenomenological method to the process of understanding in translation and interpreting. The article begins with an overview of some of the literature on the hermeneutical approach as taken in interpreting and translation studies. The focus is on the notion of understanding, and the author discusses introspective methods employed to try to access processes of understanding, and she also introduces and discusses the phenomenological method. The latter was used for the research originally carried out as part of the author’s master’s thesis. The observations made here serve as a basis for discussing the value of the phenomenological method. The article concludes with a call for more openness regarding research methods.
2. Philosophy and Practice in Translational Hermeneutics: Year > 2018
Radegundis Stolze Dimensionen der Subjektivitat beim Ubersetzen
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The central idea of traditional hermeneutics is that a translator only transfers what he or she interprets as the text’s message. Modern philosophical hermeneutics, for its part, deals critically with what is conditioning the interpreter’s understanding of a text. In this regard, the focus is on the particular knowledge-base that constitutes the background of subjective understanding. In order to clarify the modern hermeneutical approach to translation, this essay discusses various dimensions of subjectivity. At issue, firstly, is the cognitive subject which takes charge of the translator’s reaching out into foreign worlds and specialist domains. Secondly, there is the existential subject: all translators live in a society and can learn about other modes of interpretation and rhetorical formulation, especially insofar as there is the possibility of being influenced by a given tradition. Thirdly, there is an individual subject informed by feelings and experiences which condition the translator’s linguistic creativity and motivate a certain deconstructionist reaction to texts. All three areas, this essay will argue, are constantly interlinked in understanding, translation, and writing.
3. Philosophy and Practice in Translational Hermeneutics: Year > 2018
Thomas J. C. Hüsgen Literarische Ubersetzungskritik und Hermeneutik
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This paper examines various examples of texts translated from Portuguese into German by Georg Rudolf Lind. These examples, taken from his translations of works by Vergílio Ferreira, Agustina Bessa Luís, and Fernando Pessoa, show the degree to which Lind’s own profile as a translator has an impact on the translated texts. In this essay, my analytical reference point is the requirement of “coherence of the overall text composition” (Stolze 1982: 326). Thematic coherence and consistency is of paramount importance. The results of my analysis will reveal that, while the translation strategy used by the German translator contributes to the creation of good, legible target texts, it cannot always do justice to the peculiarities of the source texts
4. Philosophy and Practice in Translational Hermeneutics: Year > 2018
Claudia Tatasciore Ubersetzungshermeneutik und Kinderliteratur. Eine Fallstudie anhand der italienischen Ubersetzungen von Ferenc Molnárs "Die Jungen der Paulstraße"
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Children’s literature is relatively autonomous within the literary polysystem. In children’s literature, several systems work together: the social, the educational, and the literary. Children’s literature is motivated by quite specific aims, therefore, and it is also informed by representations of children and childhood that are specific to a given historical or social context. This essay argues that the most important issue a translator has to confront, when working on a text addressed to children, is the asymmetrical relationship between adults and children, particularly insofar as it structures the communicative situation. As I will show in an analysis of certain Italian translations of the Hungarian novel A Pál utcai fiúk (The Paul Street Boys), a hermeneutical approach to translation helps us assess the intention behind translations of books destined for young readers as well as their reception.
5. Philosophy and Practice in Translational Hermeneutics: Year > 2018
Rainer Kohlmayer Zu Geschichte, Theorie und Praxis der Bühnenübersetzung. Am Beispiel von Corneilles Komodie "Le Menteur"
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After a brief summary of Herder’s enormous influence on literary translation in Germany (translation restores the specific orality of the original text) the essay points out five fundamental criteria that obtain when translating for the stage: Orality, Individual speech of dramatis personae, Relations between persons (as subtext), Necessity of immediate audience comprehensibility (as opposed to the readers’ situation), Theatricality / Fictionality with its typical „suspension of disbelief ” (Coleridge). These criteria are then applied to Pierre Corneille’s comedy Le menteur, written in Alexandrines, the characteristic verse form of French classicism. The original version of 1643 is compared to the verse translations by Goethe (1767), Bing (1875), Schiebelhuth (1954), Kohlmayer (2005), with a side glance at Ranjit Bolt’s English version of 1989. The ease with which young Goethe renders the classicist form of the original into colloquial German is contrasted by Schiebelhuth’s stilted ‚foreignizing’ of the text. The explanation offered is the (fatal) influence of Schleiermacher’s well-known translation theory of 1813, with its categorical preference of foreignizing, in contrast to domesticating (in Venuti’s terminology).