Displaying: 81-100 of 1298 documents

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81. Chiasmi International: Volume > 4
Alessia Mascellani Viaggio con Merleau-Ponty alle Radici dell’Essere: Alla Scoperta di un Logos di Linee, Luci e Colori
82. Chiasmi International: Volume > 4
Justin Tauber “La filosofia politica di Merleau-Ponty”: Ventiseiesimo convegno del Merleau-Ponty Circle USA all’UNCA (Asheville, North Carolina), dal 19 al 22 settembre 2001
83. Chiasmi International: Volume > 4
Antonio Martone Camus e Merleau-Ponty: Dalla critica dello storicismo marxista all’esistenza democratica
84. Chiasmi International: Volume > 4
Luigi Tarantino Per una Storia dell’Esperienza: Archeologia e fenomenologia: fra lo storico e I’originario
85. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Renaud Barbaras Presentazione
86. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Simona Pierri “Corpi Stranieri”: Reversibilità sempre imminente e mai realizzata di fatto
87. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Koji Hirose Merleau-Ponty e la teoria dell’autopoiesi. Il decimo congresso del Circolo merleau-pontyano del Giappone
88. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Davide Scarso Vita. Il convegno del 2003 dell’ “International Merleau-Ponty Circle” all’UWO di London (Ontario, Canada), dal 18 al 20 settembre 2003
89. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Sara Guindani Le Voyant et l’Avedgle: Pittura e letteratura come direttrici per una nuova ontologia negli ultimi scritti di Maurice Merleau-Ponty
90. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Federico Leoni Carne come Ritmo: Teologia e fenomenologia della carne
91. Chiasmi International: Volume > 5
Elena Ronconi Sulla Filosofia come Ontologia Interrogativa: L’ultimo Merleau-Ponty a partire da Blanchot
92. Chiasmi International: Volume > 7
Mauro Carbone, Helen A. Fielding Presentazione
93. Chiasmi International: Volume > 7
Giuliano Antonello L’Aver-Luogo dell’Individuo
94. Chiasmi International: Volume > 7
Veniero Venier Archeologia Della Coscienza: Note in margine alla fenomenologia di Merleau-Ponty
95. Chiasmi International: Volume > 7
Davide Scarso Merleau-Ponty, Lévi-Strauss e la Percezione Sociale
96. Chiasmi International: Volume > 7
Paolo Gambazzi La Forma come Sintomo e Videa come Costellazione Problematica: Sul preindividuale e il trascendentale nella critica dell’ilemorfismo: Merleau-Ponty, Simondon, Deleuze (ma anche Plotino, Bruno e Ruyer)
97. Chiasmi International: Volume > 7
Mario Neve “Milieu”, Luogo e Spazio: L’eredità geoestetica di Simondon e Merleau-Ponty
98. Chôra: Volume > 13
Livio Rossetti La polumathia di Parmenide
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Our «universal» perception of Parmenides’ poem is biased by traditional readings to a considerable degree, at least if the poem actually included two different doctrinal bodies, one on being and another peri physeōs properly, the latter encompassing a number of short treatises on the physical world and (some) living organisms.What I plan to offer in support of this claim is, to begin with, an inventory (the first ever prepared) of the topics dealt with in the section devoted to physical world and living creatures (§ 2). Something on Parmenides’ way of studying and understanding different aspects of the physical world and living organisms follows (§ 3).Once acknowledged the above (a point which is not particularly controversial, I presume), the poem comes to look quite differently and some principles of interpretation are likely to collapse : first of all, the customary assumption that frgs. 1‑9 include definite ideas on the doctrines to be found in the second main body, and tell us that they are not of great value. Indeed, the very high quality of several among these doctrines seems to imply that no devaluation of the second main doctrinal body is tenable.Several corollaries are likely to follow. Among them : (a) once concluded the section on being, no further group of verses, meant to establish a convenient relation between the first and the second main doctrinal body, surfaces ; (b) Parmenides was a polymath, and he may have been aware of that, or at least some evidence in support of the awareness thesis is available.
99. Chôra: Volume > 13
Silvia Fazzo Verso una nuova editio minor della Metafisica di Aristotele
100. Chôra: Volume > 15/16
Franco Ferrari Platone ha effettivamente identificato il demiurgo del Timeo e l’idea del bene della Repubblica?: Riflessioni intorno a un’antica querelle filosofica
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Un debat tres vif eut lieu parmi les commentateurs medioplatoniciens sur le rapport entre la forme du bien de la Republique et le demiurge du Timee. Certains d’entre eux, comme Plutarque et Atticus, parvinrent a identifier ces deux entites, d’autres, comme Numenius, a situer les deux principes dans une relation hierarchique, en attribuant au bien la qualification de ≪premier dieu≫ et de pere (pater) et au demiurge celle de ≪second dieu≫ et de producteur (poietes). Cet article se propose d’examiner la question de l’identite de la forme du bien avec le demiurge sur des bases nouvelles, en prenant comme point de depart une interpretation metaphorique de la figure du demiurge, qui ne se presente pas comme un principe metaphysique independant, mais comme une description metaphorique de l’element causal‑efficient du monde des formes, c’est a dire du vivant intelligible. Le demiurge coinciderait donc avec la totalite active et dynamique du monde intelligible (panteles zoon). Dans la seconde partie de l’article est prise en consideration l’hypothese que la superiorite de la forme du bien par rapport aux autres formes est du meme genre que celle du demiurge, dans la mesure ou le bien aussi peut etre compris comme la totalite du kosmos intelligible. Il s’agit d’une hypothese qui ne va pas sans difficultes, mais qui merite d’etre examinee jusqu’au bout.