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61. Augustinus: Volume > 64 > Issue: 254/255
Virgilio Pacioni Los presupuestos de una doctrina moral en el pensamiento de san Agustín
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The article deals with the notion of human nature based on what Saint Augustine exposes in De immortalitate animae, following Varron’s footsteps on the unity of the soul and body, and the prima naturae, as they appear in his work De Philosophia. It is also pointed out that St. Augustine separates himself from the Varronian thought in regard to the highest good of the human being, since for him it is placed in the soul, as it appears in De moribus ecclesiae catholicae. On the other hand, the Augustinian basic ethical principle regarding goods is developed, presenting the distinction between the things that have to be loved propter se and those that have to be loved propter aliud, to subsequently make a presentation of the concept of uti and frui, as both are developed in De Doctrina Christiana and in the De Ciuitate Dei. It also stresses the innovative value of amor sui, where Saint Augustine modifies the stoic concept of oikéiosis, following the idea of the two loves as pondus, both caritatis and cupiditatis. As a deepening of the same concept of oikéiosis, the psychological process of the free act is analyzed, comparing the Augustinian process with the process described by Aristotle in his Ethica Nicomachea.
62. Augustinus: Volume > 64 > Issue: 254/255
Piotr Paciorek La controversia entre Agustín y Juliano de Eclana: sobre la Ley y la gracia
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In 418, the Italian bishop of Eclanum (Aeclanum: Mirabella-Eclano), Julian (380-454), engaged Augustine of Hippo (354-430) in an extensive debate about three key issues of the Catholic faith, all of which are essentially grounded in sound philosophy and can be proven by reason. These are: the state of nature after sin, the authority of law (legis auctoritate), and the free will of rational beings (libertas arbitrii), the last of which remains vigorously debated today in response to the early concept of determinism. These three issues, in particular, preoccupied Augustine’s thoughts and writings up until his death.
63. Augustinus: Volume > 64 > Issue: 254/255
Diana Stanciu Conscientia, Capax Dei y Salvación en Agustín. ¿Qué hubiera dicho Agustín del «vacío explicativo» (‘explanatory gap’)?
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How to characterize the scriptural exegesis that Augustine of Hippo develops in the Sermons on Scripture? The interpretations of the pericope of the act of faith of the centurion (Matth. 8:5-13) allow, by comparison, to provide elements of answer to this question. Only two continuous commentaries of it are preserved in the works of Augustine: the Sermon 62 (Carthage, 399) and the Sermon Morin 6 (409). It is, however, the subject of some sixty mentions, covering all genres (letters, exegetical treatises, polemics) and almost all chronological and polemical contexts (Manicheism, Donatism, Pelagianism). With this pericope, Augustine reminds both the Manicheans that Scripture must be received with faith, and the Donatists that members of the Church come from the east and the west. The accents are very different in the two sermons: the clearly theological perspective in the Sermo Morin 6 is colored in the Sermo 62 of a discrete and complex rhetorical use which aims to prepare the exhortation not to go to the banquets of the idols that form the second part of this sermon. Augustine’s homiletic exegesis enters into full consonance with the double inscription of the sermon in its liturgical and historical contexts: the first involves developing the faith of the faithful to unify the Body of Christ and the second to lead them to put into practice the requirements of this faith in the concrete circumstances of their lives. The themes of homiletic exegesis then con- tribute to making the sermon one of the mediations of grace in the work in the liturgy.
64. Augustinus: Volume > 64 > Issue: 254/255
Marie Pauliat Non inuenit tantam fidem in Israel: el texto del acto de fe del centurión (Mt 8, 5-13) interpretado en los Sermones in Matthaeum de Agustín de Hipona
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How to characterize the scriptural exegesis that Augustine of Hippo develops in the Sermons on Scripture? The interpretations of the pericope of the act of faith of the centurion (Matth. 8:5-13) allow, by comparison, to provide elements of answer to this question. Only two continuous commentaries of it are preserved in the works of Augustine: the Sermon 62 (Carthage, 399) and the Sermon Morin 6 (409). It is, however, the subject of some sixty mentions, covering all genres (letters, exegetical treatises, polemics) and almost all chronological and polemical contexts (Manicheism, Donatism, Pelagianism). With this pericope, Augustine reminds both the Manicheans that Scripture must be received with faith, and the Donatists that members of the Church come from the east and the west. The accents are very different in the two sermons: the clearly theological perspective in the Sermo Morin 6 is colored in the Sermo 62 of a discrete and complex rhetorical use which aims to prepare the exhortation not to go to the banquets of the idols that form the second part of this sermon. Augustine’s homiletic exegesis enters into full consonance with the double inscription of the sermon in its liturgical and historical contexts: the first involves developing the faith of the faithful to unify the Body of Christ and the second to lead them to put into practice the requirements of this faith in the concrete circumstances of their lives. The themes of homiletic exegesis then contribute to making the sermon one of the mediations of grace in the work in the liturgy.
65. Augustinus: Volume > 64 > Issue: 254/255
Sarah Stewart-Kroeker Gimiendo con los salmos: el cultivo del cansancio del mundo en las Enarrationes in Psalmos de Agustín
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Augustine’s emphasis on groaning in Enarrationes in Psalmos reflects his eschatological frame for the earthly life. Augustine exhorts believers to cultivate a disposition of world-weariness appropriate to their status as pilgrims and exiles in this life, expressed by groans of suffering in earthly need and longing for heavenly fulfillment. This world-weary disposition has both an ethical and aesthetic character in that it con- tributes to the ordering of believers’ loves to a vision of heavenly beauty and enjoins an active response of solidarity with the suffering on earth.
66. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Enrique Eguiarte José Anoz Gutiérrez, 'In Pace'
67. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Enrique Eguiarte Preámbulo
68. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi Presentación
69. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi Introducción: San Agustín Padre de la Iglesia
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The article presents the criteria according to which one person can be considered «Father of the Church» and who are the Fathers of the Church. It also presents the main characteristics of the Fathers of the Church and the reasons to consider St. Augustine a Father of the Church. Within this argument, his loyalty to the Church is stressed, and also his ability to transmit and to make an interpretation of the Gospel, according to the tradition of the Catholic Church.
70. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi Ascética y Antropología en la sequela Christi
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The article presents Augustine’s concept of the «sequela Christi», analyzing the ascetic elements of it, as they are presented in Augustine’s Works. Chapters 3 to 5 of the Rule are discussed to underline the anthropological and ascetical elements. The article also presents the development of the ascetic and anthropological ideas in Augustine, distinguishing three periods: 386-396, where man is considered as soul; 396-426, where man is presented as body and soul; 426-430, period in which the Augustine’s ideas are marked by the controversy with Julian of Eclana.
71. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi El hombre espiritual en el libro XII de las Confesiones
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The article points out the main ideas of the Confessions. The unity of the last four books (10-13) is stressed, highlighting the argument of the «homo spiritalis» as proposed by Augustine in Confessions’ Book XIII, as an invitation to conversion. Augustine’s Anthropology in the Confessions is discussed, presenting also the human being as memory in Book X of the Confessions. The article also presents an attempt to explain the disputed unity of the Confessions.
72. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi La «sequela Christi» en san Agustín
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The article deals with the topic of the «sequela Christi» taking as point of departure the difference that Augustine makes between disciples and apostles, discussing afterwards the topic of the example of Christ, presenting the different theological ideas in Augustine’s time developed to explain Christ’s example, namely pelagian ideas and those coming from monastic circles in Northern Africa (Hadrumentum) and the Gallia (Provence Monks). The article presents as a unifying Motif of Augustine’s ideas about the «homo spiritalis», his commentaries on Phil 1:29, underlining the aspects of gift and grace that Augustine stresses in his polemic with Pelagians, and also the role that the example of martyrs played in this discussion.
73. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi La «sequela Christi». El discípulo del Señor: Algunas anotaciones patrísticas de S. Agustín
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The article develops the idea of the first followers of Christ as apostolic authority, taking as point of departures some testimonies taken from Augustine’s sermons and from his homilies of the Commentary on the Gospel according to Saint John. The distinction and interaction between the concept of the «twelve» (Apostles) and that of the «disciples» is also developed, as well as the peculiarity of the Disciple in the Christian sphere, all illuminated by Saint Augustine’s Ideas.
74. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi Divinización y/o filiación adoptiva en la teología espiritual de San Agustín
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The article addresses the topic of the divinization of the human being in St. Augustine, presenting first of all, a summary of the reception of Augustinian thought in the Eastern world, highlighting the reductionist prejudice in this approach. Afterwards, a brief exposition of the role that grace plays in the thought of Saint Augustine is made, underlining the different nuances that this thought has in Augustine’s different stages. It also discusses the relationship between grace and divinization according to Augustinian thought, to also stress the importance of the idea of the Incarnation for St. Augustine as a hermeneutic criterion to understand divinization as a filiation, a filial quality that is diverse, for the Son of God and for the believer. The article finally presents grace as a divinizing justification, as a fullness of divine filiation according to Augustinian thought.
75. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi La espiritualidad de la gracia. Agustín, De gratia et libero arbitrio (año 426)
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The article makes a synthetic presentation of the various stages of Augustinian thought about Grace, to later focus on the gr. et lib. arb., making a presentation of the Work and its contents. A discussion of the relationship that exists in gr. et lib. arb. between grace and continence is made. Later the most significant biblical texts used in the gr. et lib. arb. are explained (Jn 6:66; Zech 1: 3; 2 Par 15: 2; Ps 79: 8; Ps 84: 7; 1 Cor 15: 10; 2 Tim 1: 8- 9). Following the text of Cant 8, 5 according to the Augustinian interpretation, the relationship between grace and free will is discussed.
76. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi La Espiritualidad eclesial en una Iglesia en camino: Los modelos agustinianos
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The present article describes four ecclesiological models elaborated by Augustine of Hippo after his conversion to Christianity within the Catholic Church (Church / auctoritas, Church / communio, Church / Ciuitas Dei, Church / Cross). A brief summary of the ecclesiology of Vatican II is given and indications are given of the Augustinian elements still susceptible of development in the contemporary Church.
77. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi La Espiritualidad eclesial de la Eucaristía, Corpus Christi
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The article presents St. Augustine’s concept of the Eucharist, relating it to the ecclesiological dimension that the concept of corpus Christi can have, showing its link with the paupers, since the Incarnate Word became pauper when assuming the human condition. Reference is also made to the charitable work of Giacomo Cusmano (1804-1885), as well as medieval controversies about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and its evolution until the Second Vatican Council.
78. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi San Agustín y el ecumenismo
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The article offers some guidelines for the current ecumenism among the Christian Churches from the reflection of Saint Augustine and the Donatist polemic. A synthetic vision of the history of the Donatist movement is offered as well as a summary of Augustine’s Anti-Donatist Works (years 393-420). The use of civilian force in the fifth century, as well as the Augustinian reflection on the «compelle intrare», is presented afterwards. Finally, some conclusions inspired by Augustine’s though are offered as a Proposal for contemporary Ecumenism.
79. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi La Providencia de Dios en las calamidades humanas: Los sermones de Agustín sobre la caída de Roma del 410
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This article examines the attitude of the Christian pietas presented by Augustine in the sermons on the sacking of Rome by the Goths of Alaric on August 24, 410. Four Augustine’s sermons compare the reaction of the pagans with that of Christians (exc. urb.; s. 296; s. 105; s. 81). The article analyzes in detail the four sermons, its historiographical context and the proposal of a new History made by Augustine. On the other hand, the article presents the indications of the Bishop of Hippo on the Providence of God in human disgraces, having as a guideline the Augustinian symbol of the six days of the Creation, as well as the action of the Providence of God, particularly related to disasters, taking as a starting point, Augustine’s Work prou. diu., and also studying in a synthetic way, other texts of the Augustine’s works where this topic is discussed.
80. Augustinus: Volume > 62 > Issue: 246/247
Vittorino Grossi La Oratio dominica en los Comentarios africanos. Iniciación a la oración
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The article presents a summarized historical overview of the different commentaries of the Pater Noster in the authors of North Africa before St. Augustine, particularly Tertullian, to present later the role that Pater noster played in Christian initiation, highlighting the ideas of Justin and the Didache that can be seen also in Augustine. Later, it discusses the relationship between the prayer of Pater noster and the baptismal liturgy and catechesis, explaining the diverse requests of our Father according to Saint Augustine. The article ends with a discussion of the presence and importance of the Pater Noster in the Ordo Baptismi after Vatican II.