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341. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2017 > Issue: 53
廖育正 Yu-Zheng Liao
Can Zhu Xi’s Theory of Mind Respond to Moral Responsibility?

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在談論道德責任(moral responsibility)歸屬時,一種常被接受的看法是:某人對某事具有道德責任,若且唯若某人在自由意志下,促使了某事的發生。換句話說,若是人無從避免去做一件道德上應受譴責的事情,則不被歸屬道德責任。而朱熹(1130-1200)以心統性情的義理架構,作為其倫理思想的心性論基礎,這樣的系統究竟能否歸屬道德責任?當代學人對此有許多歧見。他們的意見為何產生衝突?朱子心性論可以回應道德責任歸屬嗎?這是本文意欲探究的重點。本文的結論是:當代學人各條研究進路之糾結,大致可以視為相容論與不相容論之爭的中國式展開;對此大哉問,形上學一日不得解,便一日沒有答案。然而在上述糾結之外,若還有回應問題的空間,或許在於以本體工夫論,兼及體驗論的視野,將心詮釋為性情的突現(emergence),去照應涵養省察、格物致知、克己主敬等思想─進而能將Peter van Inwagen 的話改寫為一種中國式的言說:心性情之間,別有一種神秘的工夫。
342. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2017 > Issue: 53
Wim De Reu 魏家豪
On Goblet Words: Coexistence and Writing in the Zhuangzi

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This article attempts to reframe the state of research on the notion of goblet words (zhiyan) in the Zhuangzi. Recent studies predominantly view the notion of zhiyan as referring to peculiar stylistic forms exhibited in the Zhuangzi—forms such as dilemmatic questions and paradoxes. In this article, I question the quick identification of these forms as zhiyan. I argue that zhiyan are essentially definite yet provisional simple-form utterances located on the level of everyday interaction and coexistence. On this level, the peculiar stylistic forms do not play their part. However, such stylistic forms do become indispensable in discussing and recommending zhiyan. It is on this meta-level—for the Zhuangzi, the level of writing—that we find these forms employed. Based on structural similarities, we may stretch the label ‘zhiyan’ to include such forms but should keep in mind that any such extension is secondary to the use of language in coexisting with others.
343. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2017 > Issue: 53
Hsiu-Lin Ku 古秀鈴
On the Very Idea of a Minimal Proposition

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Can the idea of a minimal proposition be successfully held? I will first formulate what the minimal proposition is in the minimalist’s mind, taking Emma Borg as the representative. What a minimalist seeks for a minimal proposition is the abstract and skeletal core meaning of a sentence, and this faith is founded on the notion of minimal word meaning—an atomic, code-like, conceptual thing. I show that the problem of this notion of minimal proposition lies in the three features, intuitive read-off, invariantness, and truth-evaluability, that Borg ascribes to it. I shall argue, first, that positing a conceptual-like thing as the invariant minimal content of word cannot support the invariantness of the minimal proposition of a sentence, and second, that the skeletal content, as the minimal proposition of a sentence, is a grammatically analyzed product and thus is hardly truth evaluable. According to the analyses, the idea of a minimal proposition with these three features identified by minimalists cannot be maintained.
344. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2017
陳士誠 Shih-Chen Chen
A Research on the “Unity of Knowing and Acting” and Its Transcendental Explanation Based on Ethics

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345. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2017
鄭志忠 Jyh-Jong Jeng
Kant’s Refutation of Idealism

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在《純粹理性批判》B 版的論證(B274-9)中,康德提出一個有說服力的策略,嚴肅地正面回擊懷疑論者對於外在世界真實性的質疑。他直接攻擊懷疑論者的核心假設。首先,康德以懷疑論者都應該能夠接受的自我知識的構想為起點,然後逐步地揭露它的矛盾性。這使得懷疑論者陷入兩難困境。或者他們必須承認,在他們的假設之下,自我知識是不可能的;或者他們必須放棄那個假設,換句話說,他們不僅必須承認自我知識的直接明證性,同時也必須接受作為它的可能性條件的外部事物存在的直接明證性。本文主張:(1)「駁斥」是有說服力的;(2)「駁斥」與「先驗觀念論」的核心主張是相容的。論文分為三大部分。首先,釐清「駁斥」在先驗哲學中的系統性地位,並藉此闡明「現實性設準」的經驗認知意義;其次,批判地分析「駁斥」的論證結構與理由證成;第三,藉由釐清關鍵術語的歧義,來闡明「駁斥」與先驗觀念論的相容性;最後,總結「駁斥」的策略。
346. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2017
陳斐婷 Fei-Ting Chen
空氣如何容受顏色?: 亞里斯多德論中介物、光、與視覺
How Does Air Receive Color?

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本文嘗試重建亞里斯多德如何看待中介物空氣容受顏色,給予《靈魂論》第二書第七章418a26-b20 這個段落一個新的詮釋。亞里斯多德分兩個方向進行這項探究。一方面,我論述亞里斯多德嘗試建立一個視覺事件的因果發生序列,顏色是整個視覺事件因果發生序列的動力因起點,使得中介物諸如空氣等透明事物產生變動。而這項變動是一項性質變化。另一方面,透過考察亞里斯多德透過對於光的探究,我指出,處於實現狀態的透明事物,應該理解為展現其與火或此類物體同一的透明本性,是透明事物歷經變動的必要條件。如果上述關於空氣如何容受顏色的解讀是正確的,或許可以為視覺感官如何接受視覺對象的形式(De anima 2.12,414a18-19)提供新的思考方向。
347. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2017
陳湘韻 Hsiang-Yun Chen
The Real Problem of Bishop Sentences

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描述性理論(或稱E-型理論)是對「驢子代詞」(donkey anaphora)的一種分析(如:伊凡斯(Evans,1977),韓牧(Heim,1990),尼爾(Neale,1990))。此徑路常為人詬病的一點是無法解釋「主教句型」(bishop sentences)。艾勃(Elbourne,2005)提出一套情境語義學(situation semantics)式的描述性理論,並宣稱該理論不僅能解決傳統描述性理論在說明主教句型時的困難,還能解釋另一種新的主教句型。本文旨在質疑艾勃的分析。我指出艾勃的解法不但使用了未受約束的指代詞(unbound anaphora),且其對新的主教句型的說明也並不適切。
348. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 2017
楊德立 Tak-Lap Yeung
評After Hegel: German Philosophy, 1840-1900
A Review of After Hegel: German Philosophy, 1840-1900

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相比十九世紀後半葉的德國哲學,哲學學者與史家一般更注重前半葉的成就。Frederick Beiser 這本著作,正是針對這種情況而寫。他認為十九世紀後半葉被過度簡化和忽略,其實相對於前半葉,後半葉甚至「更重要和哲學上更有趣」,而通過新的敘事和理論重構,該能賦予其應得的重視。為此,作者鑄造了五條不同的歷史線索,包括新「康德主義的興起」、「物質主義的爭論」、「歷史主義的發展」、「現代邏輯的根源」、「悲觀主義的冒起」,讓讀者以不同角度,重新認識這段歷史。他以發掘失落的傳統為己任,對於志同道合的讀者而言,這書當然對味,然而,若要讓讀者公平、恰當地了解當時的思潮,從另一角度而言,書名引來的期望或未盡相符。作者的學術素養無容置疑,本書豐富的資料和清晰的整理,能讓無論是否熟悉該段哲學史的讀者皆耳目一新。若讀者能自行把當中的細節,放到更大的歷史脈絡看,相信會對此書有更正面的評價、獲益更多。
349. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
劉福增 維根斯坦《論集》中「實是〈界)˩ 觀念的困題及其解決
350. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
郎昆如 先秦法家社會哲學之研究
351. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
Chang Ko-chuan 張柯圳
The Problem of Unity in the Philosophy of Plato
從性質團結問題觀點分析 柏拉圖哲學(中女提要)

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352. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
楊政河 論佛教因果法則的邏輯解析
353. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
楊志南 南禪「頓悟」說的理論基礎一一以「眾生本來是佛一!為中心
354. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
張永偽 \論宋代幾個重要的「埠。學世家˩
355. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
Denis Hsin-An Tsai God and the Problems of Evil in Berkeley
356. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
Fu Pei-Jung 傳佩學
Some Reflections on the Principles of Individuation and Unification in Neo-Thomism

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357. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
林義正 論孔子思想的落本格式
358. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
359. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
陳俊輝 孔子的「仁」與海德格的「存有J 初探(上)
360. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1983 > Issue: 6
黃誌梅 清代哲學中人性論的探究