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461. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 25 > Issue: 2
Karen Lancaster The Robotic Touch: Why There is No Good Reason to Prefer Human Nurses to Carebots
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An elderly patient in a care home only wants human nurses to provide her care – not robots. If she selected her carers based on skin colour, it would be seen as racist and morally objectionable, but is choosing a human nurse instead of a robot also morally objectionable and speciesist? A plausible response is that it is not, because humans provide a better standard of care than robots do, making such a choice justifiable. In this paper, I show why this response is incorrect, because robots can theoretically care as well as human nurses can. I differentiate between practical caring and emotional caring, and I argue that robots can match the standard of practical care given by human nurses, and they can simulate emotional care. There is growing evidence that people respond positively to robotic creatures and carebots, and AI software is apt to emotionally support patients in spite of the machine’s own lack of emotions. I make the case that the appearance of emotional care is sufficient, and need not be linked to emotional states within the robot. After all, human nurses undoubtedly ‘fake’ emotional care and compassion sometimes, yet their patients still feel adequately cared for. I show that it is a mistake to claim that ‘the human touch’ is in itself a contributor to a higher standard of care; ‘the robotic touch’ will suffice. Nevertheless, it is not speciesist to favour human nurses over carebots, because carebots do not (currently) suffer as the result of such a choice.
462. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Krassimir Stojanov The Issue of the Cosmopolitan Identities and the Third Way between Cultural Embeddement and Liberal Autonomy
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This paper attempts to develop an alternative to both classical liberal claims about individual autonomy and communitarian claims about cultural embeddement of the individual. It shows a way to develop a new model of subjectivity through an interpretation at the level of a deeply located, coherent self. This self is the core of personal identity as a pluralisticly structured, decentralized, internalization of Ego - Alter Ego relationships. This concept is clarified by a critical interpretation and reformulation of Jeremy Waldron’s concept of cosmopolitan identities.
463. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Dawn Jakubowski Beyond Cultural Survival: Transforming Subjectivity
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This paper hinges on the idea that our subjectivities---how individuals come to an understanding about themselves, their relationship to each other and their place in the world---are profoundly affected by the intersubjective quality of recognition we receive from others. Rooted within the Hegelian dialectical perspective, the desire for recognition stems from the view that a major part of our identities are formed through social relations. Misrecognition, in its various forms, promotes fundamental injustices. This is a point that the traditional modernist approach to political philosophy bypasses because of its focus on procedural rather than ethical issues of injustice.
464. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Eddy Souffrant Reflections on Transnationalism: Defining the Refugee
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This paper explores Charles Taylor’s conception of an inclusive liberal polity. It argues that contemporary immigration challenges even Taylor’s inclusive liberalism by revealing that liberalism is inherently exclusionary and that the exclusionary tendency reinforces liberalism’s peculiar ability to cultivate refugees at both the national and transnational levels.
465. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Gillian Brock Why the Heldian Model of Cosmopolitan Democracy Retains Its Promise Despite Kymlicka’s Criticisms
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Recently there has been a resurgence of interest in cosmopolitanism. Cosmopolitans maintain that no national categories of people deserve special weight and that, instead, all people everywhere should be objects of moral concern. Arguably, the most developed of these accounts is the cosmopolitan democracy model articulated by David Held, so it is not surprising that it has received the most attention and criticism. In this paper, I outline Held’s model of cosmopolitan democracy and consider the objections Will Kymlicka raises to this account. I argue that Kymlicka’s objections do not undermine Held’s central claims and that Held’s cosmopolitanismremains a very promising model that deserves further attention.
466. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Courtney E. Cole Afrikaner Claims for Cultural Recognition: Problematizing the Western Discourse of Multiculturalism
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When assessing the history of Afrikaners domination in South Africa and its current fragile status in the new dispensation, what becomes clear is that their claims for cultural recognition and protection turn contemporary Western discourse regarding multiculturalism on its ear. In this paper, I organize my discussion of recognition of Afrikaners in contemporary South Africa by first giving some background on Afrikaners, as well as their history and current status in South Africa. I go on to examine how the notions of “cultural identity” and “cultural worth” problematize and complicate these ideas as they are employed in Western discourse of multiculturalism.
467. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Jon Mahoney Cosmopolitanism as a Moral Imperative
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In this paper I consider and respond to two arguments against cosmopolitanism, the membership needs argument and the preferential treatment argument. I argue that if there are reasonable grounds for endorsing universal norms such as human rights, then there are no reasonable grounds for rejecting moral cosmopolitanism.
468. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Neil Levy The Intrinsic Value of Cultures
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Our intuitions concerning cultures show that we are committed to thinking that they are intrinsically valuable. I set out the conditions under which we attribute such value to cultures, and show that coming to possess intrinsic value is a matter of having the right kind of causal history.
469. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Nicholas Dixon Light Trucks, Road Safety and the Environment
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Driving light trucks creates the risk of significant harm to other people. Compared to regular cars, light trucks endanger the occupants of other vehicles more and have a markedly more negative impact on the environment. Consequently, many people who currently drive light trucks ought to switch to smaller vehicles.
470. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Jason Borenstein Expertise and Epistemology: Can Laypersons Assess the Claims of Experts?
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The purpose of this paper is to explore whether laypersons can competently evaluate the specialized claims offered by experts. Since it is a lack of knowledge about a subject area that makes someone a layperson with respect to that area, the layperson may be unable to understand and assess what an expert knows.
471. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Mark Letteri Thinking, Philosophical Counseling, and the Purity of Philosophical Method
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In “A General Framework for Philosophical Counseling,” Hakam AI-Shawi argues that “philosophical counseling must ... avoid relyingon any first-order philosophical assumptions.” In this light, I explore whether and to what extent an applied Heideggerian approach to the amelioration of human life - in this case, Daseinsanalysis - satisfies this criterion. I focus on the orienting reality of a mortal, interpreting questioner dwelling in particular circumstances. Such an approach, as I construe it here, seems largely compatible with AI-Shawi’s understanding of what can properly count as philosophical counselling.
472. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Joseph Grünfeld Shusterman’s Epicurean Aesthetics
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For Shusterman, all experience is a form of understanding, but this makes it difficult for him to explain how we can be mistaken about our experience. His preference for rap remains idiosyncratic, as is his notion of the art of living. In spite of his postmodernist stance, he continues to generalize about what he takes to be the body and about the nature of art. But what “works” in art depends on a variety of subjective factors we come to know only by hindsight. What he dismisses as intellectualist bias in modern art and linguistic philosophy has deep roots in our culture: a demand for precision and verifiability that make science and technology possible. This is not a mere puritanical prejudice.
473. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Steven Schroeder George Berkeley’s Embodied Vision
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Taking up John of Salisbury’s dictum that we read ancient texts to improve our eyesight, this article returns to an “old” book for “new” insight into the perennial philosophical problem of visual perception. A careful reading of Berkeley’s essay on vision improves our eyesight in at least four ways: First, it reminds us that the most interesting aspects of visual perception are not “primary” but “derivative.” Second, it reminds us that our relationship with the world is an interactive process of making connections and proposes some ways in which those connections and the process of making them might be brought to consciousness and subjected to critical examination. Third, it reminds us of the extent to which making connections is a linguistic process: we live in language as surely as we live in the world, and the processes by which we take our places in the world are forms of language. Fourth, it introduces a concept of “levels” and movement between them that is particularly important to computational models that may result in nonhuman analogues of human vision.
474. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Andrew W. Schwartz Affirmative Action and Electoral Engineering: Two Forms of Race-Conscious Distracting
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Majority-Minority electoral districts, while increasing the number of minorities in legislatures, work to deepen divisions among racial groups, to exacerbate the systematic disadvantages of some individuals, and to impede effective representation. I examine another form of race-conscious districting that will increase marginalized minority presence in legislatures while avoiding these problems.
475. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 9 > Issue: 2
Ron Sandler Environmental Ethics and the Need to Motivate Pro-Environmental Behavior
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In this article I argue that it is appropriate for environmental ethicists to be concerned with the practical efficacy of their arguments. Such a concern follows from a commonly accepted construal of what would constitute an adequate environmental ethic and it finds precedent in the history of philosophy.
476. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
Janet Donohoe Rushing to Memorialize
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In the wake of the current rush to memorialize tragic events such as the World Trade Center attack of 2001, this article explores thefunction and role of monuments and memorials in the production of places for collective memory, communal mourning, and the preservation of the past. It argues that the rush to memorialize indicates a desire to control the way that an event is understood in bothcontemporary and future times and ultimately limits the effectiveness of memorials. Finally, drawing upon Heidegger, Derrida and Nietzsche, this article addresses the characteristics necessary for a memorial to be open to the complexities of human existence and how we can approach memorials to preserve such openness.
477. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
Charles Harvey Reflective and Reflexive Selfhood: On the Sociology of the Self in High Modernity
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This essay briefly explicates, criticizes and supplements the work of two sociologists of “postmodern” society, Ulrich Beck and AnthonyGiddens, as their work develops and relates to the ideas of reflexivity and reflectivity with special regards to the self. Each of these writers bases some significant portion of his work on the idea of the inescapable “reflexivity” of contemporary life for both persons and institutions. For each author, the phenomenon of reflexivity has both positive and negative implications that relate to the traditionalenlightenment ideal of self-fashioning, autonomous selfhood; in each, the enlightenment ideal of reflectively grounded selfhood is existentially embedded in everyday reflexivity but it is simultaneously thinned and divested of many of its formerly most valued traits. This essay explores the nature of reflexivity in late modernity especially as it relates to the modernist ideal of deliberative rationality (reflectivity) and attempts to show that the latter is still necessary to complement the former and, indeed, how it is still possibIe for it to do so. I also try to show in what ways both the fact and the ideal of deliberative rationality lives on in what Giddens calls “post-traditional society” and sociological thought.
478. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
M. Andrew Holowchak Liberal Individualism, Autonomy, and the Great Divide
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Liberal individualism, in its atomic sense, asserts that people are autonomous and self-contained individuals, whose rights are prior to and independent of any conception of the good. It champions individual rights and toleration for different conceptions of the good life, and essays to secure justice for all in equal measure.In prioritizing right over good, liberal individualism demands that the state have a stance of strict neutrality concerning any particular conception of the good. It privileges political analysis, in that no conception of what is good must interfere with the fundamental rights, unconditionally guaranteed, of each individual. Consequently, it is essentially atomic ideal, and this atomism, whether metaphysical ormethodological, effects a separation of persons and institutions. This I call the “Great Divide”.In what follows, I argue that the liberal separation of persons from institutions is a disintegrative political and ethical ideal in personal, social, and ethical senses.
479. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
David K. Chan How War Affects People: Lessons from Euripides
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What do philosophers have to say about war beyond appeal to the just war doctrine? I suggest that they should concern themselves with the harmful consequences of war for the people who experience it. The ancient Greek tragedian Euripides was a moral philosopher of his time who wrote the plays Hecuba and The Trojan Women from the perspective of the losers in the Trojan War. There are striking parallels to the U.S. war in Iraq that began in 2003. Lessons that can be learned from Euripides include how good people learn to hate, how aggression has its own logic of necessary brutality, how each side is unable to recognize how much they are like their enemies, how the desire to end a war quickly disregards the cost to civilians, and how irrational the fear of the enemy can be.
480. Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
P. Eddy Wilson Regulative Control and the Subjectivist’s View of Moral Responsibility
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In this essay I focus upon John Martin Fischer’s notion of taking on responsibility. In his view moral actors must acquire a proper self-understanding to take on moral responsibility. I question whether Fischer steps out of his role as a subjectivist, when he maintains that having only guidance control is a necessary condition for moral responsibility. I suggest that subjectivists are committed to the notion that taking on responsibility includes the acquisition of a proper phenomenology of freedom. I compare actors who have not acquired a sense of regulative control to actors whom Fischer identifies as nonresponsible actors.