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101. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
Van-Doan Tran 陳文團
The Marxist Critique of Christianity

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102. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
黃懿梅 Yih-mei Huang
Personal Identity and Thought Experments

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103. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
陳榮華 Wing-wah Chan
從〈孟子〉和〈中庸〉 揭露一新的詮釋模型
A New Hermeneutical Model for the Interpretation of (Mencius) and (The Doctrine of the Mean)

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104. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
張柯圳 Chuan Chang-Ko
黑格爾的教育概念與通識教育中的哲 學概論之無構問題
Hegel's concept of Education and the Problem of the Structure of the Course of Introduction to Philosophy in Studium Generale

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105. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
曾漢塘 Hann-tong Tzeng
「合理性」與「邏輯一致性」 ~從泰勒〈合理性〉一文談起
“Rationality and Logical Consistency" ~ Discussing from Taylor's Viewpoint

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106. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1995 > Issue: 18
Chin-mu Yang 楊金穆
Necessary Truths, Essentialism and the Principle of Revisability

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107. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1996 > Issue: 19
Van-Doan Tran 陳文團
Difference De-Difference Identity: Reflection on Ideological Dialogue

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108. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1996 > Issue: 19
黃懿梅 Yih-mei Huang
Coherentism and Reliability

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109. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1996 > Issue: 19
林義正 Lin
On the Relation between Chou-i and Confucius' Thoughts at His Old Age

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110. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1996 > Issue: 19
關永中 Wing-Chung Kwan
Love and Truth - A Dialogde with Gabriel Marcel

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一般人以為愛情是盲目的,聖經卻把愛等同為真知:一一〈創世紀〉稱男女愛的結合為認識對方o (Genesis 4: 1; 19:8 )一一一〈申命記〉以摩西和上帝間的往還為彼此面對面的認知o ( Deuteronomy 34: 10 )一一先知們也意識到神對人那愛的選拔為懇切的洞見o ( Jeremiah 1: 5; Amos 3: 2 )如此說來,我們可大有立場地肯定一一一愛是導向真理的不二法門!誠然,愛容許你用積極的心態去面對對方,愛叫你在正面的眼光下洞悉被愛者的心靈深處,而被愛者也會在愛的滋潤下綻放他最湛深的蘊藏o為此,眾多哲人都在見證著說:除非透過愛,否則你無從在心靈的共嗚下獲得對方完整的敢 刀可o昔日有巴斯噶( Blaise Pascal )的名句:「心有其理性,為理性所不識o ˩ (註)當代也有佛洛姆( Erich Fromm) 的證言:「知識有許多層面,唯獨藉愛而獲致的洞察不停留在表面,而直指本心o ˩ (註)謝勒( Max Scheler )更直截了當地說:「真愛開敵人的靈眼,讓我們發現被愛者的更高價值o 它容許人有洞察,而不叫人盲目o ˩ (註)上述的名盲都在提示出于端至理:一一一愛與真理相貫通,愛不異於真,愛即是真!相類似的言辭,也在馬賽爾( Gabriel Marcel )的作品中出 現。在反省愛與真理的連貫之前,先讓我們體味馬氏對真理的看 法,以及他對傳統形上學談真理的回應:
111. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1996 > Issue: 19
陳榮華 Wing-wah Chan
The Ontological Commitment of Gadamer's Conception of Play

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112. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1996 > Issue: 19
Chin-mu Yang 楊金穆
Rules for Negation in Natural Deduction Systems

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113. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1996 > Issue: 19
孫效智 Hsiao-chih Sun
兩種追德判斷 -- 論「迫使、善惡」與「迫使、正誤」的區分
Two Categories of Moral Judgement - On the Distinction between Moral Goodness and Rightness

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114. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1996 > Issue: 19
羅秉祥 Ping-cheung Lo
The Limit and Value of Right-based Moral Theories

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115. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1996 > Issue: 19
Louis G. Aldrich 艾立勤
A Methodology of Moral Judgment according to Jacques Maritain: Some Initial Insights
馬里旦的迫使、判斷方法論 一些初步的洞識

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116. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1972 > Issue: 2
Robert L. Martin Some Thoughts on the Formal Approach to the Philosophy of Language
117. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1972 > Issue: 2
洪成完 連符與最符之獨立性
118. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1972 > Issue: 2
宋榮培 海德格「存有」概念初探
119. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1972 > Issue: 2
Hsiu-hwang Ho Syntactical Descriptions of "Possible World" and Consequences
120. NTU Philosophical Review: Year > 1972 > Issue: 2
Perry Smith Well-founded Relation and a Generalization of König's Lemma