Displaying: 201-220 of 974 documents

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201. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 1
Voin Milevski The Utilitarian Justification of Prepunishment
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According to Christopher New, prepunishment is punishment for an offence before the offence is committed. I will first analyze New’s argument, along with theepistemic conditions for practicing prepunishment. I will then deal with an important conceptual objection, according to which prepunishment is not a genuine kind of ‘punishment’. After that, I will consider retributivism and present conclusive reasons for the claim that it cannot justify prepunishment without leading to paradoxical results. I shall then seek to establish that from the utilitarian point of view it is possible to provide a plausible justification of this practice. Finally, I shall attempt to defend the claim that the fact that utilitarianism can justify prepunishment in a satisfactory way is clearly a favourable characteristic of this ethical position.
202. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 1
Olga Poller Formal Representation of Proper Names in Accordance with a Descriptive Theory of Reference
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In this paper I present a way of formally representing proper names in accordance with a description theory of reference–fixing and show that such arepresentation makes it possible to retain the claim about the rigidity of proper names and is not vulnerable to Kripke’s modal objection.
203. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 1
Robert J. Rovetto Presentism and the Problem of Singular Propositions about Non-Present Objects – Limitations of a Proposed Solution
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In “A Defense of Presentism,” Ned Markosian addresses the problem of singular propositions about non-present objects. The proposed solution uses aparaphrasing strategy that differentiates between two kinds of meaning in declarative sentences, and also distinguishes between two truth-conditions for singularpropositions. The solution, however, is unsatisfactory. I demonstrate that both truth-conditions suffer from the same problems in spite of the examples used to support the claim that one is a proper treatment for singular propositions. Part of the difficulty is in the limited expressivity of logical formalisms, a limitation not unique to the philosophy of time, but one which calls for greater attention.
204. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 1
David Sackris It Might Not Be All That Cloudy
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Kai von Fintel and Anthony Gillies have proposed a revised contextual analysis of sentences that make use of “might” epistemically. On their view, when aspeaker uses an epistemic modal term, several propositions are made available to his conversational partners and, as a result, there are several propositions that may be picked up on by those partners. Because there is no concrete “context of utterance,” there is no one proposition that the speaker could be said to have asserted. This is meant to resolve conflicting truth evaluations by different speakers of a single utterance. I argue that the position is unworkable for two reasons: First, on their view there is no single proposition that counts as being asserted or semantically expressed by a “might” utterance; this has several counterintuitive consequences. Second, their position does not address several of the original problems that led many to abandon a contextual account.
205. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 1
Michael Shaffer The Paradox of Knowability and Factivity
206. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 1
Adam C. Podlaskowski John MacFarlane, Assessment Sensitivity: Relative Truth and its Applications
207. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 1
Krzysztof Posłajko Douglas Edwards. Properties
208. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
Joshua Anderson Counterfactuals and their Truthmakers: Comparing the Relative Strengths and Weaknesses of Plato and Lewis
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This article compares David Lewis’s understanding of counterfactuals with a Platonic theory of counterfactual truthmakers. By pointing to some weaknesses in Lewis’s theory, it will highlight some of the strengths of the Platonic theory. The article will progress in the following way. First, I present David Lewis’s understanding of counterfactuals, and discuss some problems the theory has. Next, I discuss Platonic truthmakers, in general, and then show how this applies to counterfactuals. Finally, I discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Platonic theory, and how it is superior to Lewis’s theory.
209. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
Sonia Kamińska Two Views on Intentionality, Immortality, and the Self in Brentano’s Philosophy of Mind
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This paper is devoted to Franz Brentano’s conception of intentionality, and aims to reveal some of its lesser known aspects, like the implications of his studies for our understanding of Aristotle’s psychology. I try to show two “currents” in Brentano’s thought: beside what is widely known as Franz Brentano’s philosophy of mind, I also present the Aristotelian side of his thinking. Each of these currents, which I call A (Aristotelian) and B (Brentanian), makes different assumptions about the ontological status of the soul and God, and from these different conceptions of mental life and its relation to God follow different accounts of immortality. By discussing them in detail I also hope to show Brentano as a philosopher of religion.
210. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
Joanna Szelegieniec, Szymon Nowak Peirce and C. I. Lewis on Quale
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The debates about qualia are common in contemporary analytical philosophy, especially in the area of philosophy of mind or epistemology. Notwithstanding the significance of this notion in present-day investigations, there still appears to be a lack of agreement over how to understand the term “quale”. Due to this fact, our goal is to shed light on the concept of quale as it entered the modern history of philosophy. Strictly speaking, our concern shall be devoted to the American pragmatist philosophy of C. S. Peirce and C. I. Lewis. Therefore, we intend to outline the understanding of quale within Peirce's theory of categories at the beginning, and afterwards we shall present Lewis' remarks on quale in the context of his theory of the given. This approach will not only provide the grounds for relating Peirce's and Lewis' views with each other, but also it will let us interpret Lewis' notion of quale within the pragmatic framework.
211. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
Erich Rast Harming Yourself and Others: a Note on the Asymmetry of Agency in Action Evaluations
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Principles are investigated that allow one to establish a preference ordering between possible actions based on the question of whether the acting agent himself or other agents will benefit or be harmed by the consequences of an action. It is shown that a combination of utility maximization, an altruist principle, and weak negative utilitarianism yields an ordering that seems to be intuitively appealing, although it does not necessarily reflect common everyday evaluations of actions.
212. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
Juliana F. Lima Herman Cappellen, Josh Dever, The Inessential Indexical
213. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
Thomas Hodgson Jeffrey C. King, Scott Soames, Jeff Speaks, New Thinking about Propositions
214. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
Shay Logan Charles Parsons, Philosophy of Mathematics in the Twentieth Century: Selected Essays
215. Polish Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 8 > Issue: 2
Emily Waddie Adrian Bardon (ed.), The Future of the Philosophy of Time
216. Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
Uğur Aytaç Is the Truth Condition Superfluous for Defeasibility Theories of Knowledge?
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Defeasibility theories aim to reach a plausible definition of knowledge by finding strategies to exclude true beliefs based on faulty justifications. Different philosophers have advanced with their own understandings of undefeated justification. Zagzebski (1994) indicates that the strong defeasibility condition violates independence between truth and justification because undefeated justification never leads to false beliefs. Following this, Zagzebski and some other philosophers who pursue a similar line of reasoning (e.g., Merricks, 1995) conclude that undefeated justification entails truth. In this paper, I argue that the truth condition is not superfluous by presenting an example of undefeated justification that does not entail truth. My claim is that beliefs about metaphysical questions (e.g., Does God exist?) can have undefeated justifications. Nonetheless, such undefeated justifications are not capable of assigning truth to the beliefs that they support. Sarsılabilirlik kuramları makul bir bilgi tanımına ulaşabilmek için hatalı gerekçelendirmelere dayalı doğru inançları eleme stratejisini güder. Farklı felsefeciler kendilerine özgü sarsılabilirlik anlayışları geliştirmiştir. Sarsılmaz gerekçelendirmeler hiçbir zaman yanlış inançların dayanağı olmadığından Zagzebski (1994) katı sarsılabilirlik şartının inancın doğruluğu ile gerekçelendirilmesi arasındaki bağımsızlığı ortadan kaldırdığını ifade eder. Bunu takiben, Zagzebski ve yine benzer görüşleri savunan bazı felsefeciler (örneğin, Merricks, 1995) sarsılmaz gerekçelendirmenin zorunlu olarak doğruluğu beraberinde getirdiği sonucuna varır. Bu makalede, sarsılmaz gerekçelendirmelerin her zaman doğru inanca ulaşmaması durumuna örnek göstererek, doğruluk koşulunun lüzumsuz olmadığını iddia ediyorum. İddiama göre metafizik sorulara (örneğin: Tanrı var mıdır?) ilişkin inançlar sarsılmaz gerekçelendirmelere sahip olabilirler. Buna rağmen söz konusu gerekçelendirmeler destekledikleri inançlara doğruluk atfedemez.
217. Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
Arman Besler Syllogistic Expansion in the Leibnizian Reduction Scheme
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The standard inferential scheme of traditional assertoric syllogistic, based on the initial chapters of Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, employs single-premissed deductions, i.e., principles of immediate inference, in the reduction of imperfect valid moods to perfect moods. G. W. Leibniz (among others) has attempted to replace this scheme with his own version of syllogistic reduction (the core of which is, again, based on Aristotle’s observations on syllogistic transformation), in which the principles of immediate inference themselves are modelled as (and hence justified by means of) valid syllogisms. This paper examines the place of this modelling, i.e. syllogistic expansion, of immediate inferences in Leibniz’s scheme of syllogistic reduction (which he describes in his Nouveaux Essais and presents in one of his papers on syllogistic), and shows through this examination that the tenability of the whole scheme actually hinges on the interpretation to be given for the categorical propositional forms. Geleneksel asertorik tasım kuramının, Aristoteles’in Birinci Çözümlemeler’inin ilk bölümlerine dayanan standart çıkarım planı, eksik geçerli kipleri tam/mükemmel kiplere indirgemek için bazı tek öncüllü dedüktif çıkarımları, yani dolaysız çıkarım ilkelerini kullanır. G. W. Leibniz, bu planın yerine, özü itibariyle yine Aristoteles’in tasımsal dönüştürme hakkındaki gözlemlerine dayanan, kendi tasımsal indirgeme örneğini koymaya girişenlerden birisidir. Leibniz’in indirgeme planında, dolaysız çıkarım ilkelerinin kendileri, geçerli tasımlar olarak modellenir (ve dolayısıyla onlar yoluyla gerekçelendirilir). Bu çalışma, dolaysız çıkarımların bu modellemesinin, yani tasımsal genleştirmenin, Leibniz’in (Nouveaux Essais’de betimlediği ve tasım hakkındaki yazılarından birinde sunduğu) tasımsal indirgeme planındaki yerini incelemekte ve bu inceleme yoluyla bütün bir indirgeme planının savunulabilirliğinin, aslında, kategorik önerme biçimleri için verilecek yoruma bağlı olduğunu göstermektedir.
218. Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
Serpil Durğun Richard Rorty’de Dayanışma Umudu
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Rorty’nin liberal politik söyleminde, umut merkezi bir öneme sahiptir. İnsan dayanışmasının gitgide artmasına yönelik beslenen umutlu olmak teması, daha iyi bir dünyaya ve daha iyi insanlara duyulan inancı imlemektedir. Bu inanç, başka insanların acı çekiş ve aşağılanmalarına yönelik duyarlılığımızın artmasına, diğer bir ifadeyle “biz” duygusunun olabildiğince genişletilmesine yöneliktir. Söz konusu duygunun genişletilmesi daima, ötekini aynı-yapmayan ve ötekine resmi yollarla müdahale etmeyen bir dahil ediş biçiminde kendini gösterir. Böyle bir dahil edişte her bir kişi diğerine, “bizden biri” olarak davranır ve “bizden biri” olarak görülen kesimin sınırları gitgide genişler. Duyguların manipülasyonu eğitimi, söz konusu genişlemeyi mümkün kılar. Bu eğitimde sanat ve edebiyat ürünleri başat bir yer işgal eder. Böylece, Aydınlanmanın rasyonel kültürü, yerini Rorty’nin liberal ütopyasındaki kültüre –şiirsel bir hale getirilmiş kültüre – bırakır. Tam bu noktada, insan çabasıyla dünyanın daha yaşanılabilir bir yer haline getirilebileceğine inanma umudu ya da diğer bir ifadeyle umutlu olmak, Rorty’nin liberal ütopyasının Arşimet noktasını oluşturur. Bizim daha iyi dünyalar ve kişiler yaratma yeteneğimizin olduğuna ilişkin bir argüman olan umutlu olmak, gerçekliğin daima bizim aktif katkılarımıza, ilgi ve amaçlarımıza bağlı olduğunu savunur. Bu bağlamda, eğer umuda ve kendi ışığımıza inanırsak, Rorty demokratik değerlerimizin gitgide artacağına inanır. Çünkü demokrasi, politik ve etik neticelerin bir gelişmesi olarak anlaşıldığında, Rorty’nin liberal ütopyasının merkezinde etik dürtüyle kol kola olan umutlu olmak, demokrasi olarak belirir. Geleneksel felsefeye içkin olan ‘itaat eden oyuncular’ anlayışını kabul etmeyen Rorty, liberal ütopyasının odağına ‘biz insanların fark yaratabileceğine’ ilişkin düşünceyi yerleştirir. İşte, böyle bir farklılık yaratabileceğimizi sanmak düşüncesi, Rorty’nin liberal ütopyasında bir umut olarak karşımıza çıkar. In Rorty's liberal political discourse, hope does have a central importance. Hopefulness, which is fed by the increase of human solidarity, implies faith and belief in a better world and better people. This belief is intended to increase our susceptibility to the suffering and degradation of other people, in other words to extend the "we-feeling” to maximum extent. Extension of this emotion always manifests itself in the form of an inclusion that does not unify the other and does not interfere with the other in official ways. In such an inclusion, each person treats the other as "one of us" and the limits of the segment considered as "one of us" gradually widens. Training of such manipulation of emotions makes this extension possible. Art and literature products occupy a dominant place in such training. Thus, the rational culture of the Enlightenment leaves its place to – a poetized culture - the culture in Rorty's liberal utopia. At this very point, the hope to believe that the world could be made a more liveable place by the human effort or in other words, by being hopeful, constitutes the Archimedes' point of Rorty's liberal utopia. He justifies that hopefulness and reality, which are an argument for our ability to create better worlds and people, always depend on our active contributions, attentions and goals. In this context, if we have faith in hope and our own light, Rorty believes that our democratic values will increasingly grow. So, once democracy is comprehended as a development of political and ethical consequences, hopefulness which is arm-in-arm with the ethical impulse in the heart of Rorty's liberal utopia emerges as democracy. Declining the 'obedient players' conception immanent to the traditional philosophy, Rorty places the notion of 'we, the mankind, can make the difference', to the center of the liberal utopia. Here, the notion of thinking that we can make such a difference emerges as a hope in Rorty's liberal utopia.
219. Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
Hatice Turan Sıradanlaşan Teknoloji: Bir Kötülük Deneyimine Doğru
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Modern özne teknolojik gelişmelerle birlikte yeni düşünme ve var olma yolları deneyimlemekte ve sürekli değişen bir hayat tarzının içerisinde kendisini yeniden üretmektedir. Değişen ve gelişen teknolojik araçlar öznenin deneyimleme ve eylemde bulunma tarzını doğrudan etkilemektedir. Bu etkinin hem olumlu hem olumsuz yansımalarını gözlemlemek mümkündür. Bir yandan değişip gelişen dünya ve getirdiği olumlu yenilikler diğer yandansa özneyi sıkıştıran ve bir yanılsamanın içerisine sürükleyen süreçler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada teknolojik gelişmelerin kötülükle olan ilişkisi Eleştirel Teori’nin önemli iki ismi üzerinden ortaya konulacaktır. Öncelikle Herbert Marcuse’nin tek boyutlu özneye dair tespitleri ele alınacak; daha sonra ise bu tespitler Theodor W. Adorno’nun kötülüğe dair yaptığı kavramsal saptamalarla birlikte değerlendirilecektir. Bu yapılırken kendilik ve başkalık deneyimlerinin imkanı sorgulanacak ve bunun sonucunda aynılaşma ve tektipleşme süreçlerinin kötülükle olan ilişkisi ortaya konulacaktır. Modern subject experiences new ways of thinking and being through technological developments and reproduces itself in a constantly changing lifestyle. The changing and developing technological tools have a direct influence on the way in which the subject is experiencing and acting. It is possible to observe both positive and negative reflections of this influence. While on the one hand there is the evolving world and its positive innovations; on the other hand, some novel processes that compress the subject and drag it to an illusion continue to occur. In this article, the relationship between technological developments and evil will be debated from the perspectives of two important thinkers of Critical Theory. First, Herbert Marcuse’s ideas on One-Dimensional subject will be discussed and then, his deductions will be evaluated parallel to Theodor W. Adorno’s conceptual analysis concerning evil. Along with this analysis, the possibility of experiences of selfhood and otherness will be questioned and in the end, the various possible relationships of evil with the processes of sameness and standardization will be discussed.
220. Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
Melike Molaci Derrida’nın Cinsiyet Farklılığı Düşüncesi: Gelecek Olan Bir Erteleme Politikası
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Felsefe tarihinin muhtelif metinlerini yapıbozuma uğratan Derrida, geleneğin söylediklerinin ve sustuklarının, vurguladıklarının ve görmezden geldiklerinin, altını ve üstünü çizdiklerinin izini sürerek onun hiyerarşik karşıtlıklarla karakterize olan yapısını deşifre eder. Söz-yazı, gösteren-gösterilen, özne-nesne, ruh-beden, akıl-doğa, erkek-kadın vb. kutupsallıklarında daima karşıtıyla asimetrik ve hiyerarşik bir ilişki kuran başat kavramların, nasıl ve hangi nedenlerle egemenlik kurdukları, aynı zamanda geleneğin topyekûn bir eleştirisi anlamına gelir. Bu kapsamlı eleştirinin yalnızca bir veçhesini oluşturan cinsiyet farklılığı ya da kadın-erkek ikiliği ise bu çalışmanın temel ilgisini yansıtmaktadır. Bu ikilik bağlamında bu çalışmada Derrida’nın dekonstrüksiyon stratejisi ve différance düşüncesinin cinsiyet farklılığı açısından nasıl bir açılım sağlayabileceği üzerinde durularak olanaklı bir politikanın neliği tartışmaya açılacaktır. Derrida, who has deconstructed various texts of history of philosophy, deciphers the construction of the tradition characterized by the hierarchical contrasts through tracing the words of the tradition and its moods, the things it emphasizes and ignores, the ones that it underlines and crosses out. It also means a total critique of tradition, how and for whatever reasons the dominant concepts that have always been in a relationship with its contrary in the sense of asymmetrical and hierarchical polarities like speech-writing, signifier-signified, object-subject, soul-body, mind-nature, man-woman etc. The dichotomy of man-woman or the gender difference that constitutes only one aspect of this comprehensive critique reflects the fundamental interest of this work. In the context of this duality, the implication of a possible policy will be discussed in this study by emphasizing how Derrida's deconstruction strategy and the notion of différance offer an insight in terms of gender differences.