Displaying: 201-220 of 2152 documents

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201. Mediaevalia: Volume > 12
Giovanni Gullace Medieval and Humanistic Perspectives in Boccaccio's Concept and Defense of Poetry
202. Mediaevalia: Volume > 12
Vincenzo Cioffari The Anonimo Latino: One of the Earliest Commentaries on Dante's Commedia
203. Mediaevalia: Volume > 12
Harry B. Lincoln Some Observations on Madrigal Settings of Petrarch's "I' vo piangendo. . ."
204. Mediaevalia: Volume > 12
Bodo L. O. Richter The Image of the Temple in the Works of Jean Lemaire de Beiges
205. Mediaevalia: Volume > 12
Sara Sturm-Maddox Anticke piaghe: Love's Violence in Petrarch's Rime sparse
206. Mediaevalia: Volume > 12
Bernard F. Huppé Love's Broken Mirror
207. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Marilynn R. Desmond Editor's Introduction
208. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Warren Ginsberg Ovid and the Problem of Gender
209. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Frank T. Coulson The Vulgate Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses
210. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Ralph Hexter Medieval Articulations of Ovid's Metamorphoses: From Lactantian Segmentation to Arnulfian Allegory
211. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Gerald A. Bond Composing Yourself: Ovid's Heroides, Baudri of Bourgueil and the Problem of Persona
212. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Eric M. Steinle Versions of Authority in the Roman De La Rose: Remarks on the Use of Ovid's Metamorphoses by Guillaume De Lorris and Jean De Meun
213. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Leslie Cahoon The Anxieties of Influence: Ovid's Reception by the Early Troubadours
214. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Barbara Nolan Ovid's Heroides Contextualized: Foolish Love and Legitimate Marriage in the Roman D'Eneas
215. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Rebecca S. Beal Dante in the Labyrinth
216. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Teodolinda Barolini Arachne, Argus, and St. John: Transgressive Art in Dante and Ovid
217. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Janet Levarie Smarr Ovid and Boccaccio: A Note on Self-Defense
218. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Sheila Delany The Naked Text: Chaucer's "Thisbe" the Ovide Moralise, and the Problem of Translatio Studii in the Legend of Goodwomen
219. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
Thomas J. Hatton John Gower's Use of Ovid in Book III of the Confessio Amantis
220. Mediaevalia: Volume > 13
John M. Fyler Love and the Declining World: Ovid, Genesis, and Chaucer