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21. Philotheos: Volume > 11
George Varvatsoulias Frank Lake and his Work in the Light of Psychology of Religion
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Frank Lake is considered as one of the founders of Pastoral Counselling in Britain. He was a psychiatrist with great interest in theology. His main writings Clinical Theology and Tight Corners in Pastoral Counselling refer to the understanding of modern psychological aspects in regard to the Christian Theology and vice versa. My paper is divided into two parts. The first part discusses Lake’s work as well as the criticisms it had from both theologians and psychologists. In particular, the first part looks to present Lake’s writings according to his ideas about human psychopathology, such as depression, dissociative reactions and anxiety disorders, and how could they be associated with an interdisciplinary approach to theological, and indeed patristic interpretations. In conjunction with the presentation and discussion of Lake’s aspects on human psychopathology are also discussed his main aspects on the relation between psychological therapy and pastoral counselling. In the same part, is also explored an integration between psychology and theology, by applying Lake’s writings in the modern scientific enterprise of psychology of religion. Finally, the first part concludes by referring to the strengths and weaknesses of Lake’s ideas according to the criticisms addressed from others. The whole paper’s perspective is to discuss Lake’s ideas on psychology and theology in the light of psychology of religion, something that is accomplished in the second part of my article. In that part, psychology and theology are presented not only for their importance for psychology of religion, but also in view to form a paradigm that could be mutually entertain both disciplines in a convergent framework. That paradigm would deal with aspects, such as ontology, spirituality, and the notion of the transcendence in terms of discussing all three as components of the psycho-spiritual interpretation of the human condition. To this new paradigm for the psychology of religion, psychology and theology would be researched not as diverging from one another, but as overlapping via their distinctive and interlinking elements regarding the investigation of the human entity.
22. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Ulrich Dierse Georges Sorel: Gewalt, Ethik und Geschichte
23. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Porfirije Perić Ἡ ἀγάπη ὡς σύνδεσμος γινώσκοντος καὶ γινωσκομένου
24. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Friedo Ricken Sprache Erfahrung Transzendenz: Platons Transzendenzbegriff und die Sprache der Bibel
25. Philotheos: Volume > 11
A. P. Glazkov Fondements idéologiques de la foi de Soloviev et l’appréciation religieuse de l’historiosophie de l’unité
26. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Authors in Philotheos 1 (2001) – 11 (2011)
27. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Thomas Sören Hoffmann „Absoluter Geist“: Zur Aktualität eines Hegelschen Theorems
28. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Maksim Vasiljević A Prolegomenon to a Study on Gender and Otherness: With Particular Reference to the Theology of John Zizioulas
29. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Branko Aleksić Quelle trace de la théologie de Platon dans La Comète Bayle ?
30. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Vittorio Hösle To what Extent is the Concept of Spirit (Geist) in German Idealism a Legitimate heir to the Concept of Spirit (pneuma) in the New Testament?
31. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Romilo Knežević On Freedom, Creativity and Hypostatic Prayer
32. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Jovan Milanović Le baptême et la tradition patristique
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La tradition patristique nous rend le témoignage d’une seule foi vécue par les Pères des différents lieux et différents siècles. Cela nous a incités à voir quels sont les points communs d’une réflexion patristique concernant le baptême. Notre choix des Pères est basé sur leur importance pour la théologie chrétienne. Leurs idées ne sont pas des reliques du passé. Ce qu’ils nous disent quant à la vie dans l’Eglise, reste comme un acte vivant de leur foi qui nous a été transmis pour que nous l’observions et vivions avec eux dans cette même Eglise. Le baptême est une action de l’Eglise, le mystère de la foi qui ne nous introduit pas uniquement dans un espace défini comme le temple ou église, mais dans une vie nouvelle.
33. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Predrag Čičovački A World Government – Is It Possible? Is It Needed?
34. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Bogoljub Šijaković “Open Society”, Closed Interpretation of History, Responsibility
35. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Βασίλειος Ἀθ. Τσίγκος Οἱ φανερώσεις τοῦ Θεοῦ στήν κτίση καί τήν ἱστορία: πηγή θεογνωσίας κατά τόν ἅγιο Γρηγόριο τόν Παλαμᾶ
36. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Алексей А. Лагунов Глобализация, или Стоит ли нам забывать классику?
37. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Wolfgang Speyer Die Wirklichkeit als das Geheime-Offenbare
38. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Christos Terezis Interpretation and Its Patristic Application Study Case: Basil’s of Caesareia To Young Men, on How They Might Derive Profit from Pagan Literature
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It is true that the issue of interpretation constitutes one of the central cores from which the religious teaching procedure gains its reliability not only in reference to its starting points and preconditions, but also to its methodological procedure and the purposes it wishes to fulfil. This study aims to critically examine and address basic fundamental key-aspects on the relationship between the interpretation of religious texts and religious education from the eastern orthodox Christian point of view: 1) First aspect: Interpretation and religious instruction. 2) Second aspect: The elements of emotional and physical involvement in the process of the interpretation of religious texts. 3) Third Aspect: The main stages of interpretation. 4) Fourth Aspect:. The elements of religious instruction. 5) Fifth Aspect: The allegorical interpretative approach in the process of religious instruction.
39. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Mihaela Pop Mots et images animées
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This work applies the meaning of empsychia (animation) to the domain of graphe empsychos (animated word or image) using some funerary orations written by Gregory of Naziansus (IV-th century) and Michael Psellos (XI-th century). In our opinion, a certain continuity of this Byzantine tradition could be traced in the Romanian culture of the XVI-th century.
40. Philotheos: Volume > 11
Tanja Pihlar Gespräch mit Thomas Binder über Franz Brentano