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41. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 37
Larisa Titonova Philosophical Aspects of Balance Between Tolerance and Manipulation in High School Pedagogical Technologies
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The emerging of new virtual studying cyberspace significantly broadens the scope of pedagogical techniques and created new opportunities for usage of manipulative techniques in educational practice Manipulation success factor is mostly depends on the tolerance level of a student-addressee when recognizing manipulation intrusion. There are three main moods of student-addressee’s behaviour in manipulation situation: active anti-manipulation defence, related to building effective contramanipulation; passive anti-manipulation defence, including applying different methods of operational and behavioural blocking ofmanipulator’s actions; and high level of tolerance, which may occur in ability patiently accept negative influence from teacher-manipulator without decay in his/her adaptive abilities. Each of these moods has its advantages and disadvantages. It depends mainly on dominant value-adding positioning of each particularmanipulation pedagogical technique. If it can be described as has antihuman approach with the elements of pressure and humiliation of student’s personality, then this technique can not be applied. Applying of manipulation techniques is only possible if it allows building good and comfortable relationship between teacher and student, decreasing the conflict level of this relationship.
42. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 38
З.Р. Жукоцкая, В.Д. Жукоцкий Глобализация и гуманизация
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Globalization and humanization form two different yet complementary processes. Globalization of human personality is the criterion of social progress. Doctrine of social humanism combines two aspects of knowledge: globalistics and humanistics, the political and the historical points of view. The humanistic project of globalization goes through three consequent stages: conservative, liberal and social. These stages are three giant leaps in human history, the civilization revolutions. On the microhistorical scale they form political rhythm of globalization that determines three kinds of political revolutions. On every stage thepolitical ideologies fight to gain power but only a dialogue between conservative, liberal and social forms of humanism can provide realization of global project of humanity.
43. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 38
O.K. Shimanskaya Crisis of the Tradition: Russian Conservative Thought from West to East
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Theorists of the Russian conservatism have made a considerable contribution to the development of axiology, the philosophy of history and comparativistics. In their studies of the local civilisations existing at different times and at different places they have focused on the dynamics of their origin, development, collapse or transformation into new civilisational forms. The best known slavophiles such as A. Khomyakov, K. Axakov, I. Kireyevskiy saw the mission of the Russian civilisation in synthesising Europe and Russia which has preserved the true Christianity – the Orthodoxy. According to N. Danilevskiy, the founder of the culturohistorical school of thought, Europe has an irreconcilable hostility towards Russia. He proves that Europe and Russia are two different culturohistoricaltypes (local civilisations). He understood Russia’s mission as that of unification of Slavic peoples. K. Leontiev develops the so-called theory of Byzantism, according to which the West is doomed and Russia will be saved thanks to its Orthodoxy and the oriental despotism underlying its statehood. He advocates a merger between Russian and oriental traditions. From the point of view of the proponents of the Eurasian theory such as P. Savitskiy, N. Trubetskoy, etc., the merger has already occurred, so Russians should be viewed as Eurasians and Russia as a Eurasian civilisation. Russian thinkers were criticising the so-called Eurocentrism in their efforts to prove that progress should be measured not only by the accumulation of material wealth, but also by the development of various spiritual aspects of human beings. The anthroposociogenesis does not have any predetermined patterns, its development is of co-evolutionary, often broken, discrete nature.
44. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 39
Pronin Mikhail The Virtual Linguistics
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In the report are considered initial theses – philosophical ideas and paradigmatic representations, - for formation of a new scientific direction – virtual linguistics: virtual philosophy of linguistics. Focus of interests of virtual linguistics lays in studying attitudes of the internal (virtual) human and language as virtual object of the internal (virtual) human. For ordinary consciousness virtual - concerning computers. It only is partly true. The virtualistic as the paradigmatic direction is developed in Russia since 80th years of the last century. The virtualistic not scientific discipline, and the paradigmatic approach which can be applied in any sphere of human activity. Virtual psychology - one of its most developed directions. The virtual psychology considers mentality of the person (its internal space) as a virtual reality. The main message, the thesis: want a hypothesis, want the statement: the human should cease to be in linguistics a figure of default. The maxim is well-known: language - the house of life. It is less obvious, that the human - the house of language. But, certainly, simultaneously the human is the son of language. In particular, it is possible to ask a question - what ontological structure outside of language space of mental sphere? In this connection some perspective directions of works at philosophical, theoretical, methodological and empirical levels have been considered. The invitation to cooperation of colleagues of linguists - one of the central purposes present article.
45. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 39
Larisa Demina Смысл как философское понятие сегодня
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During last century in philosophy of language and epistemology two basic directions in research of sense were generated: first of them is based on understanding of language as sign system and uses semiotics methods of the analysis of language and the knowledge, the second addresses to studying the speech activity included in wide social context, and uses as initial concept of the communications. In the paper we’ll be proposed the uniform methodology of the analysis of sense as the conceptual structure, being base for the given directions is offered. In this case the certain paradigms of sense as models from which there are concrete traditions of scientific research are allocated. The understanding of sense as paradigms proves that depending on its treatment, from theaccepted concept of sense the theory of reference is under construction (as the system of a priority choice of designating expressions), is formed concept of concreteness, the concept of true, criteria of differentiation of the intelligent and senseless expressions, methods of the analysis of language contexts. The specified dependences assume also use of methods of semiotics, phenomenology, philosophical hermeneutics when we turn our attention to the analysis of concrete theories and concepts of sense.
46. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 4
Руслан Ханаху, Олег Цветков Неомифология Как Предтеча Российского Постмодернизма
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The atmosphere of plurality appears gradually and becomes more noticeable. Speaking the language of postmodernism the wellknown “truths” are undergoing the radical reconsideration. The postmodernism “competition of truths” is taking place instead of usual seeking of truth. Aware or no aware radical plurality becomes the starting principle of many philosophical studies. One of the preconditions creating the base for native postmodernism formation and developing are neomythologies which have been spread in Russian regions, have been transformed into self reproducing false ideologies and have got its false language. The relationship between neomythologies and postmodernism is based on the worldview systems of “overcoming of history”, permanent “problems” of present and historical discourses, “radical plurality”, the refusal of classical casualty and logo centrism, “the disappearing of subject” of time and historical and other actions, and also many other signs. Making unsteady the logic of classical and non-classical philosophical studies, neomythology becomes the precursor of Russianpostmodernism.
47. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 4
Alexandrov Vladimir Ivanovich Перспектива существования метафизики и философии в XXI веке
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The keynote idea of the theses is contained in the author’s assumption that modern philosophy doesn’t meet its claiming pretensions: to be universal form of knowledge. First of all philosophy is connected not with knowledge but with ideas and secondly being authentic it “exists only in everyday life”.1 In orderthat philosophy could realize its innate essence corresponding conditions of social being should exist but they are still absent and therefore philosophy is absent as well. Its place is occupied by metaphysics which is free movement of thinking that has no definiteness as the condition of being of any form of thought. That iswhy we watch crisis state of “philosophy” which becomes apparent in vagueness of its subject: “philosophy is not only one, there are many of them”. The author supposes that philosophy as the highest relation of mankind to objective reality is the only one. Philosophy lowered down from the heaven (Platon, Ciceron) in the field of human being must raise people not only to purity of thought, but mainly to purity of their activity both with each other and with nature. Then real interaction of men and nature will take place. This will be the beginning of spiritualization of the Universe. It may exist only under the conditions of social uniformity as historical form of Weltanschauung (world outlook) that removes religious form. Realization of its being supposes fundamental change of social life. It is necessary that private property should be replaced with social property in the sphere of social production. Only under these conditions philosophy may appear and exist as historical form of Weltanschauung.
48. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 4
С. Н. Некрасов Кризис философии в современном мире: конец постиндустриальной глобализации
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The last crash of the «kingdom of rationality» organized by postindustrialist globalization in the end of XX century is in reality a deadline of human prehistory. The mechanical thought told us about the prohibition of scientific research in such fields as artificial intellect with an appeal to war against science. From one side of left mondialism in style «West against the rest» we see a pseudophilosophical avantgardist idea of thousands truths, deconstruction, tolerance with the rhetorique of struggle against terrorism. From second side in the spirit of wright avtarkism a la «The rest against the West» postulates the global evel and thedevelopment of planet to a neofeudal state. It is necessary to point out ten questions to philosophers. Only ten questions to philosophers world community. The positive answer will turn philosophy to social reality and will define the degree of decline of world philosophy in the end of postindustrialist globalization.
49. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 40
Харабет Константин Принцип дополнительности и его методологическое значение для криминологии
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В условиях современного общества эпохи глобализации, характеризующегося признаками и одновременного требованиями культурного разнообразия и цивилизационного единства, особую опасность представляют такие угрозы безопасности как преступность, наркотизм, терроризм. Важной задачей криминологии как фундаментальной юридической науки, обеспечивающей научную разработку основ борьбы с преступностью, является организация научных исследований, позволяющих сформулировать адекватные криминальным угрозам стратегии борьбы ипрофилактики. В этой связи несомненной ценностью обладает осмысление юристами философских общенаучных принципов познания, в том числе – принципа дополнительности Нильса Бора. Его применение в криминологических исследованиях приводит к необходимости решения задачи расширения и гармонизации тезауруса, описывающего преступность и задачи комплексного изучения преступности и ее фоновых явлений, в т.ч. ихпротивоположных сторон, посредством создания единого научного языка.
50. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 41
А. Ж. Жафяров Формирование Вариативного И Творческого Мышления Учащихся На Основе Решения Математических Задач С Параметрами
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Practically all the countries require the highly skilled staff. It is natural, that it is necessary to prepare them in higher educational institutions. In many high schools students were enlisted and are enlisted on the basis of knowledge and skills. It not an optimum variant because the second integrated parameter of an entrant, his mental potential and fundamentality of knowledge, is not taken into account. The specified very important parameter of an entrant is opened in the best way with sums with parameters, that is sums with parameters serve some kind of a litmus piece of paper in definition of quality of the future student. It is the first reason to increase in number of sums with parameters on entrance examinations. The second, not less important reason, is connected with the following:these sums promote better development of the personality of a pupil, its individual propensities and abilities; they help to learn to work in conditions of small and significant uncertainties which are in abundance in our today's life. They develop variative and creative thinking and by those promote development of intelligence and increase of a level of fundamentality of knowledge. Existing textbooks and educational supplies do not contain adequate volume of a material doing of mathematical sums with parameters: there is no system, there are only separate examples, some of them are rather unsuccessful. The author leads ordering of sums with parameters, the technique of doing such sums is developed and corresponding educational supplies on paper and electronic carriers are published.
51. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 41
Vitali Tselishchev Intuition and Reality of Signs
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The progress in computer programming leads to the shift in traditional correlation between intuitive and formal components of mathematical knowledge. From epistemological point of view the role of intuition decreases in compare with formal representation of mathematical structures. The relevant explanation is to be found in D. Hilbert’s formalism and corresponding Kantian’s motives in it. The notion of sign belongs to both areas under consideration: on the one hand it is object of intuition in Kantian de re sense, on the other hand, it is part of formal structure. Intuitive mathematical knowledge is expressed by primitive recursive reasoning. The W. Tait’s thesis, namely, that finitism as methodology of mathematics is equivalent to primitive recursive reasoning is discussed in connection with some explications of Kantian notion of intuition. The requirements of finitism are compared with normative role of logic.
52. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 42
Сергей Смирных Гегель: парадигма свободы
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The absolute characteristic and function of spirit is effective reason, i.e. the self-determining and self-realizing notion itself – Liberty (Hegel). This process is a system of three conclusions of the logical idea of real as absolute spirit.
53. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 42
T. Leshkevich The power of thought: New approaches to the problem
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I am trying to develop a specific methodology of understanding nature of aims and intentions. There are three groups of the main problems. Firstly, the principal openness of the future and, in particular, the idea of self-organization require new methodology - the so called synergetic one. According to the synergetical approach the aim and idea have attractive power and are very important mechanisms of human activity and they They include the energetic capacity and can berepresented as peculiar energetic resource of human behaviour. Secondly, it would be especially important to consider positive and creative contents of aims and a high level of culture mentality and way of thinking. On the contrary - without aims acts - the man as a rational being acts in a spontaneous and unpredictable way, forgets its previous states and loses his systemic memory. The third group of problems concerns an important idea of human reflection as an open non-equilibrium information system. The evolution prospect of such systems allows numerous combinations of the development. The mental image of the aimcan be understood as an intensive directional resource for actions. The meaning of the conception charisma is analyzed in this article. The charisma is defined as a type of social energy. I try to explain the relationships between charismatical persons and other people.
54. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 43
V.P. Sevrjuk The Stratified Spaces of Intern Degrees of Freedom
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In modern physics nonlinear systems with a lot of heterogeneity and anisotropy which are in strong fields and processes of crossings of electromechanical, spinor-mechanical, termo-magnetic and other ones are actual. Correct building with the help of mathematics of the given theories is possible only with the attraction geometry of the stratified spaces. The geometry of the stratified spaces chow its power by examining these systems and processes. Noncontradictional, covarianty theory of the single whole field of matter can be built only with the attraction the geometry of the stratified spaces. Introduction the stratified spaces into physics of geometry is a continuation of works of Hamiltone, Langrange, Aler and other scientists. The problem is multivariate spaces of internal degrees offreedom. The ideas, positions of geometry of stratified spaces and their supplements demand a new philosophical sense of understanding.
55. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 43
V.V. Kazjutinsky Epistemological Aspects of Global Evolutionism (Big History)
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The author examines epistemological aspects of global evolutionism (Big history) concept which is getting a more and more essential subject in the science of the XXIst century. This concept inserts human history into the holistic evolution process of the Universe. The paper deals with the analysis of the global evolutionism concept, subject-object relations in the investigation realm, the problem of a language choice for global evolutionism description, as well as Big history modern knowledge, including its validity criteria.
56. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 43
Золотых Елена Борисовна Стрела времени и прогноз в геологических науках
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Times Arrow existence is well illustrated by geology and other sciences such as geography, biology and chemistry. But investigator of geological reality has same hardness and contradiction which unknown for specialists in other sciences. Times Arrow appearance is condition by interaction Earth’s structural heterogeneity substance (dimensions from nx10^-6 m to nx10^7 m) with processes its transformations. Each degree of Heterogeneity substance of Earth is learning with methods of specialty geological sciences. Heterogeneity substance of Earth degree stays more and more and there fore the system “forgets” its past that causes every geological object is uncial. No any geological process could go backwards to his beginning. The time geological process is incommensurable with the time of humanity civilization. Every geological process indicated by great number causes, and there fore we never could know everything about these processes and these causes. Geological science is historical knowledge by the method because of the uncial character geological objects. The influence uncial objects to itch other could not prognosticate and there is no one ontology, but poly-ontology these objects. In this case the investigator can observe only results of geological processes, not there proceed. Prognosis in geological sciences is not prognosis non-existent events. Usually prognosis in geological sciences is prediction about latent properties already existing geological object, but unexplored or inaccessible to specialists.
57. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 43
Stanislav Bondarenko The Principles of the Scientific Description
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Scientists need that scientific descriptions meet request methodological principles. Science knowledge is independent. Methodological principles guarantee autonomic regime of scientific investigations. Methodological principles are requirements the process of descriptive knowledge receiving as result of methodological analysis on best samples of scientific investigations, or methodological standards in history of science. There are mane principles in methodology of science: autonomic scientific investigation, competence, objectivity, expedience, systemness, verification, coherence, unity of methods, integration, differentiation, many-variation of formulizations, modernizations, diversity of chosen types of descriptions, two logical meanings – truthfulness and falseness.
58. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 44
Е.Р. Карташова Биос, как подсистема планеты Земля
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Life on our planet is a global ensemble termed bios. We emphasize that bios and the Earth per se form an integral system that behaves as a single coherent object. This idea is strongly supported by our knowledge of the organization of bios and its evolution on the geological time scale. This article considers interactions between the Earth, a self-organizing system, and bios, its subsystem, in ontological terms. Both systems are open. They are characterized by non-linear processes.
59. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 44
В. В. Фармаковский Концептогенез – Новые Основания Натуральной Философии
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The problem of construction of the unification theory which would become the universal tool for rethinking not only epistemology, philosophy of science and technology but all kinds of human experience is discussed. As like mathematics, Conceptgenesis or General Unification Theory has the hypertheoretical status for its applications. As the natural science, it investigates the natural events streams with “initial” and “boundary” conditions in the corresponding conjuncture. Law ofuniversal simulation is key principle of the Unification Theory. Accordingly with this Theory, the same structure of updating of object may be observable in various conceptual domains. These inconstancy structures should become the basis for General Identification and Classification of a subject of supervision.
60. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 44
Valeriy P. Tsaplin Зрение как эволюционный процесс и его противоречивость
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Eyesight is practically a main organ of senses for man orienting in the world. But it is also a result of evolutional development of nature from 600 to 450 mln. years according to evolutional scale and still it preserves its stable contradictory inner structure. The genesis of eyesight has been reconstructed in Arthropoda type. It was made possible by using a philosophical approach, namely, by considering this process from the dualism point of view. Two Laurence's concepts were used as basic interrelated categories. They are intranspecific and interspecific aggressiveness. Development of the two interrelated opposites results in the formation of a new kind – eyesight (Hegelian not Marx’s), typical for all succeeding kinds of animals. The eye has become a unity consisting of on- and off-type ganglionic cells, that percept both fixed end non-fixed objects simultaneously. The two eyes of higher animals and man allow to orient in the world, and depending on outside conditions, they can fully enough demonstrate one of the stable contradictory inner tendencies. This is just one of the directions in studying philosophy of nature.