Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics

Volume 43, Issue 2, Fall/Winter 2023

Eunil David Cho, Wonchul ShinOrcid-ID
Pages 399-415

Cultivating Virtuous Imagination Among Asian American Dreamers in the Face of Violent Uncertainty

By examining the stories of Asian American Dreamers, or Asian American young adults with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status, this essay investigates how these undocumented young adults cultivate virtuous imagination to transcend the violence of uncertainty and radically imagine new paths toward flourishing. The aversive state of structural uncertainty leads them to experience narrative foreclosure and the violent disruption of the pursuit of the good life. This essay subsequently proposes two kinds of stories as moral resources for empowering Asian American Dreamers to cultivate imaginative excellence in order to dream new paths toward flourishing and to resist the toxic internalization of the “model minority” myth: (1) religious stories demonstrating their steadfast commitment to God’s goodness and (2) stories of solidarity co-authored with their suffering neighbors.