Cover of Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture

Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture


All manuscripts must be in the English language. Submissions should be made in duplicate and prepared according to prevailing academic standards. The contributor’s name should appear only on a separate header sheet (see below). Please number the manuscript pages consecutively in the upper-right-hand corner. 

Articles normally range from 3,000 to 9,000 words and should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. The editors prefer the documentary-note or humanities style over the author-date system or social-science style. Double-spacing, including endnotes, is mandatory. If not already submitted electronically, upon acceptance of a manuscript, the author will be asked to submit it via an e-mail attachment or on a Mac or PC 3-1/2 inch diskette (preferably in Word or WordPerfect). It is helpful to receive your word processing file with the manuscript submission but it is not necessary. 

Contributor Checklist

1. Check that your manuscript is double-spaced (including block quotations and endnotes), allowing wide margins on all four sides.

2. Check that endnotes are used. Do not use footnotes. Type all endnotes at the end of the manuscript following the last page of text. See the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, pp. 593-754 for a complete review of documentation and notes.

3. Check endnote style: it should be according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. For example: 

  • 1. Walker Percy, The Message in the Bottle (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1975), 258-64.
  • 2. Theodore W. Adorno and Walter Benjamin, The Complete Correspondence, 1928-1940, ed. Henri Lonitz, trans. Nicholas Walker (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999).
  • 1. Kathleen Scullin, "Reading the Life of Walker Percy," Logos 1, no. 4 (1998): 30-33.
  • Second citation when it immediately follows the first*:
    2. Ibid., 264.
  • Second citation when it does not immediately follow the first:
    6. Percy, Message, 259.
  • Do not use op. cit. or loc. cit. Frequently cited works by the same author (e.g., in a literary study) may use abbreviations in the text, with full titles at first appearance.
  • * Use and overuse of ibid. When a number of successive references are made to a single work, the full reference may be shortened by the use of page or line references, with or without abbreviations, placed in parentheses in the text, with full citations provided in an endnote at the first mention. See the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, sections 16.36-16.58, pp. 602-607.

4.  If submitting a disk, label it with file name, date, and system and software used in preparation.

5.  Read and compare your electronic version to your hard copy. Check that they match exactly.

Submission and Publication Procedures

The editors assume that your essay is not being simultaneously considered for publication in other journals.

All submissions should be preceded by a header containing the title of the material, the name(s) of the author(s), any affiliations, mail and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers. 

The editors accept electronic submissions. Please e-mail to:

If sending by mail, please send two copies of the manuscript to the editors at: 
The University of St. Thomas 
2115 Summit Ave., Mail #55-S
St. Paul, MN 55105-1096 

Please do not send the only existing copy of your work.

Decision cycle

Submissions are promptly recorded, forwarded to the editors, and an acknowledgment is sent to the author(s).  Decisions regarding an article take about 3-4 months.

Author’s proofs

Once your article is scheduled to appear in an issue, you will be notified about the tentative schedule. Uncorrected author’s proofs along with your copyedited manuscript will be sent to you approximately six weeks before publication. You should give these prompt attention and provide the editors with corrections. Extensive revision, however, will not be possible at that stage.

Complimentary copies

In lieu of offprints, you will be provided two copies of the issue of LOGOS in which your article appears.

Copyright and reprints

LOGOS will be copyrighted by its publishers, unless notified by an author. Authors of accepted manuscripts assign to LOGOS the right to publish the text both electronically and as printed matter, and to make it available permanently in an electronic archive. The editors will routinely grant gratis permission to reproduce our pages for classroom or other noncommercial uses. Publishers wishing to reprint material from LOGOS will be given your most recent address from our files and advised that it is their responsibility to notify the author to obtain the necessary permissions. Conversely, the editors would be grateful if you would extend the courtesy of notifying us of subsequent reprints, inclusion in anthologies, and other uses of work that originally appeared in LOGOS.