
Volume 46, Issue 101, Enero/Junio 2020

Graciano María Malgeri
Pages 5-18

Quis non tristitia carere optet?
(Cypr. Mortal. 5) L’insegnamento cristiano del vescovo cartaginese in tempo di pestilenza e pandemia

The article addresses Saint Cyprian’s Work De mortalitate, making, a contextualization of the work, to later discuss each one of the chapters of this books, highlighting the diverse perspective that Saint Cyprian has of death and adversities in contrast with the pagan philosophical view. Subsequently, the article points out the four reasons that cause fear when facing trials or death, such as the imbecilitas animi, the parvitas fidei, the dulcedo saecularis and the error veritatis. The article makes an application of Saint Cyprian’s thoughts on adversity and death to the current context of Covid-19.