Philosophical Inquiry

Volume 41, Issue 1, Winter 2017

Mateo Pietropaoli
Pages 41-49

Around God Everything Becomes World
On the Disharmony Between Will and Conscience in Nietzsche’s Moral Thought

The article aims to show the peculiar relationship in Nietzsche’s moral thought between the notions of will and life, on the one hand, and of conscience and truth, on the other. Central to any understanding of this relation is the concept of world, which represents the manifestation of a founding and unconscious will to power, namely the constant generation of a horizon of sense. Recalling several passages from Nietzsche’s works, the article expounds the possibility of a moral thought focused on a self-interpretation of man as the positing of a real world, neither true nor false. This world might be recognized as a real world only if the will is no longer understood as freedom of conscience, but as enhancement of life, namely as foundation of sense.