Business and Professional Ethics Journal

Volume 41, Issue 3, Fall 2022

Special Issue: The Future of Work

Rev. Dr. Richard Turnbull
Pages 445-464

Work as Enterprise in an Age of Robots

This paper aims to expound and develop the idea of work as enterprise in response to the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution and to demonstrate that Christian theology provides a conceptual framework which helps locate work within an understanding of purpose and human dignity. This paper defines enterprise, considers the purpose of work, and reflects on themes from the common Christian theological tradition which give meaning to the idea of work as enterprise. Further, this article considers the challenge of technology, the place of the market and ethics, the role of innovation and creativity, questions of freedom and regulation, the central place for the development of skills and education, and the transformational nature of work. In addition, this paper has three policy propositions and some practical advice. Work matters because it is at root an expression of our humanity. Technological advance poses both perils and opportunities. The development of the idea of work as enterprise within a framework of Christian theology places entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation at the heart of our collective response to the fourth industrial revolution.