Cover of World Congress of Philosophy Collection

World Congress of Philosophy Collection

All publications from the World Congress of Philosophy

The World Congress of Philosophy is a global meeting of philosophers held under the auspices of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP). First organized in 1900, these meetings have been held regularly since 1948. They focus philosophical knowledge on global problems, promote philosophical education, and encourage the development of professional relations between philosophers of all countries.

Each World Congress is a significant cultural event. In most cases a Proceedings collection is published that captures the best work presented. These publications are listed below with each Congress location and date. Together they contain over 250 volumes in many languages. The Philosophy Documentation Center has digitized the entire collection for long-term preservation and online access.

The recent Selected Papers volumes are freely accessible, as are all volumes published before 1924 and available documents from each Congress. Access to the other publications is provided for an annual charge. Income from paid access supports work on new collections and continuing upgrades for the entire site.

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