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The Philosophers' Magazine

A celebration of his legacy

Issue 54, 3rd quarter 2011
Happy Birthday, David Hume

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Displaying: 21-33 of 33 documents

the lowdown
21. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
Andrew Zimmerman Jones Hacker ethics
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The hacker culture is neither good nor evil, but instead focuses on getting results. It is self-reliant and rooted in an anti-authoritarian embrace of individuality. No citizen is beholden to any single person, only to the quality of work being done.
22. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
John Palmer Parmenides
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23. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
Jussi Suikkanen Parfit’s mountain
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24. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
Troy Jollimore Where the West went wrong
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25. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
Scott Aikin, Robert Talisse Politics, for God’s sake
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26. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
Neil Levy Morality on the brain
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27. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
Thom Brooks A new approach
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28. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
Dana Nelkin, Sam Rickless Freedom fighters
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29. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
Ernest Sosa Q & A
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30. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
Jean Kazez Animal husbandry
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31. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
New bibles and unloved animals
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last word
32. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
Howard Marks, Julian Baggini Britain’s best-loved dope dealer
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“His hypothesis is that if you take dope you’re going to end up taking smack, but he’d actually got an incorrect application of Bayes’ theorem ... the gateway theory, all obviously complete bollocks, based on a professor’s ineptitude in statistics.”
33. The Philosophers' Magazine: Year > 2011 > Issue: 54
Wendy M. Grossman Psychic claimants and drug-addled egomaniacs
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