Cover of Business and Professional Ethics Journal

Business and Professional Ethics Journal


AI and the Future of Automation

Business and Professional Ethics Journal is soliciting papers that ciritically examine ethical issues connected with the increasing corporate and professional use of artificial intelligence and robots. Many thinkers and business leaders are concerned that AI and automation will result in massive job losses, as AI document search and processing systems obviate the need for paralegals, truck drivers are replaced by self-driving vehicles, and tiny robots make it possible for doctors to do multiple surgeries remotely without large numbers of operating room personnel. Entire sectors of developed economies will be affected.

Although many people are talking about potential job losses, the many ethical implications of AI that demand scrutiny include new opportunities for fraud and criminal activities of various sorts, manipulation of elections, subtle and substantial intrusions into private realms, invasive police maneuvers (e.g., tracking drones), fundamental alterations in the relationships between professionals and clients, and so on. The questions raised by these developments touch every facet of public and private life.

Submissions guidelines for BPEJ, with instructions for online submission procedure, are available at

Authors wishing to propose a special issue of the journal that examines a particular AI related topic or question should contact the editors at

This is an open call without a deadline.

Call for Submisions in Translation

BPEJ is providings its Call for Papers in translation to encourage submissions from international colleagues.

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