Cover of Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual

Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual


Gatherings is a peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Heidegger Circle. It publishes original articles, reviews, letters to the editor on topics pertinent to Heidegger scholarship, and brief replies (up to 1000 words) to articles published in the journal.

Papers that discuss recently published texts by Heidegger or undertake critical evaluations or extensions of Heidegger's work are particularly encouraged.

Format and Procedure

All submissions other than letters and brief responses to articles should be formatted for blind review. A complete submission includes a title page with paper title, author name, affiliation (if applicable), abstract (up to 150 words), and up to 5 key words.

Papers should be submitted single-spaced in Times New Roman font, 12 point, under one of the following file formats: pdf, rtf, doc, or docx. Any Greek words or text should be entered as Unicode characters. Papers should adhere to The Chicago Manual of Style and follow the citation scheme provided at the end of each issue. All submissions is by email.

  • Papers, letters, and replies to articles should be submitted to the editor, Scott M. Campbell, at, (with subject "Gatherings").

  • Reviews of books pertinent to Heidegger scholarship should be submitted to the review editor, Christopher Merwin, at Authors, publishers, and reviewers should contact him as a first step.

Note: Gatherings is a peer-reviewed journal separate from the yearly Heidegger Circle meeting and its Proceedings. Papers presented at the meeting will normally be included in that year's Proceedings volume. Papers presented at the meeting will not automatically be considered for Gatherings, but may be submitted for consideration. Heidegger Circle membership is not required for submission to this journal.