Cover of Philosophia Africana

Philosophia Africana


Manuscripts for submission should be sent as email attachments in Microsoft Word to Manuscripts should be double-spaced with ample margins, and accompanied by an abstract of 100–150 words. Your full contact information, including email address, should accompany the manuscript on a separate sheet.

Works Cited. All publications cited in the text should be listed in alphabetical order following the text. Please provide a “Works Cited” section, not a comprehensive bibliography. All entries in the Works Cited section must be mentioned in the text. In addition, references should not be embedded within the “Notes” section (see Notes below). “Unpublished observations” and “personal communications” may not be used as works cited; information from manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted for publication should be cited as “unpublished observations” in parentheses in the text. Responsibility for references and their verification with the original documents lies with the author(s). Works cited must be listed on a separate sheet of paper in the following form:

Journal Articles Bernasconi, Robert. “The Poor Box and the Changing Face of Charity in Early Modern Europe.” Acta Institutionis Philosophiae et Aestheticae, vol. 10: 33–54. Henceforth cited as PB.

Kaunda, Kenneth D. Humanist in Africa. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1996. Henceforth cited as HA. Edited Volumes
Ki-Zerbo, Joseph. “Le Développement clés en tête.” In La natte des autres. Pour un development endogéne en Afrique. Joseph Ki-Zerbo (ed.). Dakar: Codesria, 1992.

Notes. All notes should be formatted as endnotes (following the references and beginning on a new page). Number notes consecutively throughout the text using superscripted numerals. Note numbers should appear at the end, not in the middle, of the sentence where possible and should not be attached to display material (title, subheadings, or epigraph). When submitting the electronic version of a manuscript, please be sure that the endnotes are not embedded. That is, do not use the endnote- or footnote-generating capability of your word processor.

Illustrations, including photographs, diagrams, and graphs, should be referred to as figures and their position indicated in the text (e.g., Figure 3). Each should be submitted on a separate sheet of paper and numbered on the back. Captions should be submitted on a separate sheet as well and include keys to symbols. Interpretation of the illustration, with the caption, should be possible without reference to the text. Figures should be professionally drawn and designed with the format of the journal (248 x 175mm) in mind and should be capable of reduction.

Tables should be submitted on separate sheets, numbered in Arabic numerals, and their position indicated in the text (e.g., Table 1). Each table should have a short, self-explanatory title. Vertical rules should not be used to separate columns. Any explanatory notes should be given a footnote at the bottom of the table.

Offprints. Each published contributor will be provided with a PDF copy of the article as it appears in the journal.


Manuscripts for submission should be addressed to:

Prof.Kibujjo Kalumba
Editor-in-Chief, Philosophia Africana
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Ball State University
Muncie, IN 47306

Tel: (765) 285-1244
Fax: (765) 285-1245


Books for review should be sent to the review editor:

Prof. Samuel Imbo
Hamline University
Dept of African-American Studies
1536 Hewitt Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55104
