Cover of Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy

Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy


Volume 1 (1973, 400 pages)
- Plenary Sessions -

    I. Philosophy and Sience
    II. Morals and Culture
    III. Man and Technology

Volume 2 (1973, 392 pages)
- Colloquia -

    I. Reason and Action in the Transformation of the World
    II. Philosophy in the Process of the Scientific and Technological Revolution
    III. Knowledge and Values in the Scientific and Technological Era
    IV. Structure and Methods of Contemporary Scientific Knowledge

Volume 3 (1974, 624 pages)
- Problematica -

    I. Nature and Existence of Man
    II. Humanism and Technological Revolution
    III. Language, Logic and Action
    IV. Man, Logos and History
    V. Society and Its Norms

Volume 4 (1974, 488 pages)
- Problematica -

    VI. Man and his Personal Freedom
    VII. Responsibility and Creativity in Art and Literature
    VIII. Problems of Determinism
    IX. The Future of Philosophy

Volume 5 (1975, 844 pages)
- Research Groups -

    Problems of Contemporary Logic
    Methodological Problems of Science
    Philosophy and the Study of Religion
    Linguistics and Anthropology
    Contemporary Metaphysics
    Contemporary Studies in the History of Philosophy

Volume 6 (1975, 848 pages)
- Research Groups & Other Material -
    Philosophical Aspects of Psychology
    Philosophy of Education
    Philosophy of Law and Philosophy of Politics
    Opening Session
    Philosophy and Science
    Morality and Culture
    Technology and Man
    Reason and Action in the Transformation of the World
    Philosophy in the Process of the Scientific and Technological Revolution
    Knowledge and Values in the Scientific and Technological Era

· ISBN: 978-1-63435-005-1 · Published 1973-1975 by Sofia Press ·
· Over 3,500 pages in 6 volumes · Online access includes all volumes ·